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بررسی مطالعات مستمر هیدرولوژی و هیدروبیولوژی خلیج فارس در محدوده آب های استان خوزستان

عنوان مقاله: بررسی مطالعات مستمر هیدرولوژی و هیدروبیولوژی خلیج فارس در محدوده آب های استان خوزستان
شناسه ملی مقاله: R-1061242
منتشر شده در سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی در سال 1388
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

سارا سبز علیزاده
سیمین دهقان مدیسه
فوزیه اسماعیلی
منصور خلفه نیل ساز
محمود ابراهیمی
سعید سنجانی
محسن مزرعاوی
فرحناز کیان ارثی
فریدون عوفی
هوشنگ پرهام
محمد صدیق مرتضوی
حسین نگارستان
فلاحی مریم

خلاصه مقاله:
Persian Gulf encountering several challenges, low diversity, industrial pollution and harmful waste water are the main threats of Persian Gulf ecosystem. In present study, seasonal sampling was carried out in nine stations in North-West of Persian Gulf in Khuzestan coastal waters during 2006. The parameters, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, density and conductivity were measured by CTD, the nutrient were sampled by bottle sampler and analyzed with standard methods. For analyzing heavy metals in sea water, sampling was done by using COC (Close Open Close) sampler and after setting pH, samples were analyzed by polarographi methods. Sediments samples of each station were collected by Ecman grab with the area 225 cm3 from surface layer and transferred to lab in to the bag. Phytoplankton samples were collected from water column by using pump method. For zooplankton study, 200 liter of sea water filtered in to 100 m mesh plankton net. Benthic animals were collected by Peterson grab, samples after washing in 500 m mesh sieve and fixed with alcohol. Heavy metals concentrations in sediments were compared with global guideline sediments quality and geoaccumulation index was calculated. WQS index was used to determination of quality status of water. Biotic indices such as eveness and diversity (H ) were used for assessment biotic communities. The WQS index values in all stations were 3.4, except for stations 3 and 9 that were calculated 3. These values, all stations are classified in moderate water quality status. The values of different physico-chemical parameters are located in the ranges of their values in other studies Persian Gulf. geoaccumulation index values for Cd, Cu, Zn and Ni were negative that means these heavy metals have not reached in sediments. This index for Pb was between one and two, which means for Pb values. The sediments are classified in moderate polluted level. The higher Pb values in sediment can be caused by anthropogenic activity in studied area. Comparison between heavy metal concentration and global standard values show that Zn and Pb are less than all of the standard levels, Cd is more than ERL and LSQGs and less than ERM and PEL, Ni was more than all standard levels and Cu is just a little more than ISQGs.

کلمات کلیدی:
خلیج فارس,آب زیست شناسی,آب شناسی,فلزات سنگین

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