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درمان کندوهای زنبور عسل توسط اسید فرمیک برای کنترل مایت تراشه ای و مایت واروآ جاکوبسونی و مقایسه آن با داروهای شیمیایی موجود در استان همدان

عنوان مقاله: درمان کندوهای زنبور عسل توسط اسید فرمیک برای کنترل مایت تراشه ای و مایت واروآ جاکوبسونی و مقایسه آن با داروهای شیمیایی موجود در استان همدان
شناسه ملی مقاله: R-1093325
منتشر شده در سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی در سال 1379
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

عبدالحمید قدرتی
امیر جلیل وند
محمد کریم موسوی فر

خلاصه مقاله:
‭Varroasis is one of the most danger diseases is honey bees. In 15‬ص‭-20 Last years this diseases seriously has threatened the industry beekeepers.The results of this research show that in primery survey polution of adult honeybees were various between %0.32 to %10.23 percent.In this staye minimum 210 (behive No:13) and maximum 320 Number(behive No:13) adult bee were sampled. The number of ticks (varroa) that was counted minimum One tick (behive No;2g21 :31 ,34) and maximum two ticks (behive No:6) were in adult bees.In the primery survey plotion body of larves, minimum two ticks (behive No:4) maximum 265 ticks (behive No:32) with 132 percent contained. The result of research hows that total of counted ticks in witness behives synchronize treatment with other behives the number of ticks was 35. In behive that. was treated with prizin drug, generaly 3686 ticks has counted show minimumm effect relation to other drugs. However maximum counted ticks were obserrved in behives that has treated with Acid Formic in 65 percent concentration in this behives 6165 ticks have counted. In behives that treated with formalin,4338 ticks counted.‬

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