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Simulating of standard HB-2 model in a laboratory hypersonic wind tunnel

عنوان مقاله: Simulating of standard HB-2 model in a laboratory hypersonic wind tunnel
شناسه ملی مقاله: EASTTEHRANMECH01_165
منتشر شده در نخستین همایش منطقه ای مهندسی مکانیک در سال 1389
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Akbar Andalib۱ - Qadr Aerodynamics Research Center, Imam Hussein University
Fata Mohammadi Fard۲ - Qadr Aerodynamics Research Center, Imam Hussein University
Mahdi Karami۳ - Qadr Aerodynamics Research Center, Imam Hussein University
Mohammad Reza Heidari۴ - Qadr Aerodynamics Research Center, Imam Hussein University

خلاصه مقاله:
This research has been made in Qadr aerodynamics research center towards designing and manufacturing a laboratory hypersonic wind tunnel. In this article by using the geometry for nozzle, test section and diffuser which their geometries extracted before, and using HB-2 as a standard model, the CFD simulation has been made. The model has the 1% stockade to the nozzle exit area and has zero angle of attack. The wind tunnel includes a nozzle which is producing uniform flow at nominal mach 8 and the test section is free jet type. The CFD simulation has been made from beginning of the nozzle to the end of the diffuser for mach8. The CFD simulation is done under these conditions: viscous flow, adiabatic and second order equations. Contours for various properties are extracted and compared to practical results from a hypersonic facility JAXA in Japan. In this case the goal is to demonstrate the ability of simulation a hypersonic flow regime for hypersonic wind tunnel. The results show rather good compatibilities and we can claim that good simulation have been made for specific conditions.

کلمات کلیدی:
Hypersonic flow, Wind tunnel, CFD simulation, HB2-model

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