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Natural rubber/natural rubber reclaim nanocomposites: Role of functional nanoparticles, mixing sequences and coupling agents

عنوان مقاله: Natural rubber/natural rubber reclaim nanocomposites: Role of functional nanoparticles, mixing sequences and coupling agents
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_POJ-8-2_006
منتشر شده در در سال 1400
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Shirin Shokoohi - Chemical, Polymeric and Petrochemical Technology Development Research Division, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, P.O. Box ۱۴۱۱۵-۱۴۳, Tehran, Iran
Ghasem Naderi - Depertment of Elastomer Engineering, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical institute, ۱۴۹۷۷۱۳۱۱۵,Tehran, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
Elastomer vulcanizates based on natural rubber (NR), NR reclaim (NRR) and layered silicates were compounded in an internal mixer and cured on a two-roll mill. Cure characteristics and mechanical properties of samples based on ۵۰NR/۵۰NRR reinforced with Cloisite ۲۰A, Cloisite ۳۰B and Nanolin DK۱ were compared to those of conventional NR/NRR/kaolin microcomposites. Due to the light/soft nature of organoclays suppressing the friction forces, the minimum torque values decreased in the presence of organoclays, whereas the crosslink density, evidenced by the difference between the maximum and minimum torque values, increased in all samples and scorch times shortened by ۳۷% to a minimum in the presence of Nanolin alkaline/catalytic role in the cure reaction. Fatigue resistance improved by about ۱۰% benefiting the crack tips blunting/energy consuming hysteresis mechanisms motivated by the organoclays among which Nanolin DK۱ provides the most efficient dispersion/distribution of nanolayers by faster intragallery crosslinking reactions that pushes the stacks apart. Higher states of dispersion in this sample would also promote strain-induced crystallization under deformation responsible for the improvements seen in the modulus and elongation-at-break. Two-step mixing sequence further improved the compound performance due to the dispersion state progress confirmed by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (۲۰% in fatigue resistance and ۵۳% in tensile modulus). In-situ compatibilization through bis(triethoxysilylpropyl)tetrasulfide bi-functional silane coupling agent also promoted modulus and fatigue resistance. However, a prolonged scorch time was observed due tothe blinded NR cure-reactive sites as well as steric hindrance of large functional groups in the presence of this coupling agent.

کلمات کلیدی:
NR, Reclaimed NR, oganoclay, Mixing sequence, Coupling Agent

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