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The Effects of Metacognitive Strategy Training on the Listening Comprehension and Self-Regulation of EFL Learners

عنوان مقاله: The Effects of Metacognitive Strategy Training on the Listening Comprehension and Self-Regulation of EFL Learners
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_JFL-4-16_003
منتشر شده در در سال 1395
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Mahboubeh Taghizadeh - Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Arash Gholamy Saleh Abady - University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
AbstractThis study aims to highlight the key roles played by metacognitive strategies training in the development of listening comprehension skill and self-regulation strategies of EFL learners. The participants of this study (N = ۶۰) were female Iranian students assigned to two groups of experimental and control in Kish English Language Institute. Learners in the experimental group received ۶-week instruction on the listening metacognitive strategies, while those in the control group received no strategy instruction. Four instruments were used in this study: a pretest of listening comprehension, Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ), Academic Self-Regulated Learning Scale (A-SRL-S), and a posttest on listening comprehension. The analysis of the data revealed that metacognitive listening strategies training improved the listening performance of the learners in the experimental group compared to those in the control group. It also showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups in the use of problem-solving, planning-evaluation, mental translation, and personal knowledge strategies. The results also showed that learning metacognitive strategies helped language learners to regulate their use of self-evaluation, organizing, goal-setting, seeking assistance, environmental structuring, and responsibility strategies. Additionally, regression analyses demonstrated that self-regulation strategies accounted for ۳۷% of variance in the EFL learners’ listening comprehension, while metacognitive listening strategies accounted for ۶ % of the variance. The findings of this study suggested that (a) listening metacognitive strategies training can have benefits on listening skill development, increase use of self-regulatory and metacognitive strategies, (b) learners who used more metacognitive strategies revealed a high level of self-regulation strategies use.

کلمات کلیدی:
listening comprehension, metacognition, metacognitive listening strategies, self-regulation strategies

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