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Imam Ali (a.s.) In The Words of Mosnad Ahmad (part ۲)

عنوان مقاله: Imam Ali (a.s.) In The Words of Mosnad Ahmad (part ۲)
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_NEJAT-4-15_002
منتشر شده در در سال 1398
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Hamid Yazdan-Parast

خلاصه مقاله:
Abstract: Ahmad Hanbal placed Imam ‘Ali among the caliphs of Rashidin and mentioned a set of Hadith about him. In his work, Ahmad quoted some narratives that many Sunni traditions refused to quote. Traditions such as the hadith of dignity, the hadith of Ghadir, a brotherhood between the Prophet and imam ‘Ali, and Ali in Khaybar war. Ahmad ibn Hanbal said, for no one is there any more virtue than what has been said to imam ‘Ali. After the demise of holy Prophet, ‘Ali was going to be his successor to continue his path. But unfortunately and due to ignorance of people the course of history changed. The right of ‘Ali for successorship was usurped. But his right and his great part in the history of Islam could not be kept hidden. Shia and non-Shia authors recorded Hadiths in his honor and greatness. Ahamd Hanbal is one of the authors who recorded hadiths about imam Ali which are very frequent. The hadiths include Ghadir event and other important historical scenes. In the present article, some hadiths regarding various saying about him are presented from the book of Ahmad Hanbal. Similar to these narrations quoted by Ahmad are quoted in some Shia sources.

کلمات کلیدی:
: Ale-Muhammad, Ghadir Khum, Surah Bara’at

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