Bertolt Brecht, an Anti-racist Playwright in the Drama ’ The Good Woman of Setzuan’

Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 دی 1400


This present study attempts to analyse postcolonial perspective in the drama, The Good Woman of Setzuan (۱۹۳۸-۴۱), written by German playwright, Bertolt Brecht, based on the theories of Edward Wadie Said’s Orientalism, Pierre Bourdieu’s Study of Distinction, and Georg Wilhelm Fredrich Hegel’s Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis theory. Via the contribution of Said’s theory we could firstly, uncover the roots of apostasy, then Bourdieu’s theory of distinction paves the way for spotting the fundamental consequence of racial discrimination which causes economic issues. Subsequently, Hegelian theory contributed to blur the line between good and bad characteristics within human being as well as society and then the whole world. We were able to reveal how these three theories can be interrelated and give some beneficial clues to attain the profound attitude of Brecht towards the world and its predefined and constructed names and ideologies. Indeed, we could come to the conclusion that Brecht attempted to present contemporary issues of his time through manifestation of racial- discrimination, class distinction, and roots of such injustices. Moreover, he challenged theories of Westerners who claim to be capable of naming and stereotyping Easterners. Literally, Brecht employs the westerns’ assertions of rationality and civilization, against themselves and define them as founders of savagery and irrationality.


Masoumeh Mokhtari

M.A. Student of English Literature University of Malayer Hamedan, Iran