Dez Water Resources System Scenario Analysis by System Dynamics Approach

Publish Year: 1390
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 3 فروردین 1391


To meet the increasing water demand in Dez basin, some structural changes in the Dez dam as well as upstream water abstraction and regulation projects have been proposed. These changes and the new projects will affect water regulation and power generation of the system. This paper analyses the Dez reservoir performance for different basin demand and development scenarios. The multipurpose Dez reservoir in Khuzestan Province, south west of Iran, commenced operation in 1965. The dam is 203 meter high with a reservoir of 3000 mcm storage capacity. The main purposes of Dez reservoir are hydroelectric power generation, flood control, and irrigation water supply. The structural changes in the system as well as the upstream water abstraction and regulation projects which affect water regulation and power generation of the system include:· Upstream water abstraction by constructing water projects in Sezar Subbasin · Upstream interbasin water transfer to Cheshmeh Langan and Qomrud in Bakhtiary Subbasin · Upstream Bakhtiary reservoir project for Hydropower generation · Expansion of existing power plant (65 MW to 90 MW for eight available units) · Installation of second power plant (eight units of 90 MW each) · Dez Dam heightening up to 10 meter for increasing energy production and water regulation capacity Implementation of all or different combinations of the above development projects,will change the planned performance of the Dez reservoir both in terms of energy production and water supply. In this paper the overall effect of each alternative on the performance and output of the system is simulated and results are analyzed and discussed. System Dynamics (SD) approach is employed that allows the users to visualize the outcome and performance of each management strategy in an interactive user friendly media.


Abdolrahim Salavitabar

Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineers – Water Resources Section

Ahmad Abrishamchi

Prof., Deptof Civil Eng., Sharif Univof Techand Iran Univof Science and TechRespectively

Abbas Afshar

Prof., Dept. of Civil Eng., Sharif Univ. of Tech. and Iran Univ. of Science and Tech. Respectively