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Preparation of Cobalt Oxide/Zinc Oxide Nanocomposite

عنوان مقاله: Preparation of Cobalt Oxide/Zinc Oxide Nanocomposite
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_IJE-23-2_004
منتشر شده در در سال 1389
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

S. Alibeigi - materials department, KNTU
M.R. Vaezi - Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Department, Material and Energy Research Center(MERC)
L. Nikzad - Research Center of Advanced Materials, Merc
A. Esmaielzadeh Kandjani - Applied Science, RMIT - RMIT University

خلاصه مقاله:
Cobalt Oxide/ Zinc Oxide nanocomposite was synthesized by dropwise addition ofCo(NO)۳.۶H۲O and Zn(NO۳)۲.۴H۲O solutions to KOH solution at different temperatures followed bycalcination at ۳۰۰ºC for ۴ h. The morphology and structure of nanoparticles and the influence oftemperature on particle size were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-RayDiffraction (XRD). Minimum particle size was obtained before calcination at ۷۰ºC. In addition, thespherical, semispherical and flake-shaped nanoparticles were observed at ambient temperature. Onthe other hand, Co(OH)۲ was transformed to Co۳O۴, ZnO flakes were eliminated, and particle sizechanged during calcination. Synthesized samples at ۵۰ºC and ۷۰ºC showed an increase size aftercalcinations; however, elimination of flakes during calcination caused particle size reduction forsynthesized sample at ambient temperature.

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