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A review of effective management methods and techniques in elementary multilevel classes

عنوان مقاله: A review of effective management methods and techniques in elementary multilevel classes
شناسه ملی مقاله: CFTP07_1194
منتشر شده در همایش ملی پژوهش های حرفه ای در روانشناسی و مشاوره با رویکرد ازنگاه معلم در سال 1400
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Seyyede Maryam mousavi - Primary school teacher in Zanjan province, mahneshan region
Mohamad hosein ezlegini - Primary school teacher in Zanjan province, angora region
Zahra mehezad - Primary school teacher in Zanjan province, angora region

خلاصه مقاله:
Classrooms are conventional social environments whose constituent elements are completely unique and unique, meaning that students, teachers, and learning conditions will never be alike in a single moment of time. Therefore, in the educational system of our country, the existence of multi-grade classes is an inevitable reality. Severe environmental conditions, lack of student population, lack of manpower and educational space, natural or forced migration and the existence of numerous financial and economic problems and issues are some of the factors that limit the possibility of forming an educational unit with singlegrade classes; Therefore, addressing the issue of classroom management in multigrade classes is of great importance. The purpose of this article is to investigate the role of effective methods of multi-grade classroom management and its impact on teaching and learning. This research has been done by library method and has dealt with the necessity of multi-grade classes, the complexities of multigrade class, the factors affecting the management of multi-grade classes, the important competence of the teacher in multi-grade class and effective management solutions in multi-grade classes. Based on the results, the use of management techniques and methods in multi-grade classes increases efficiency and prevents chaos in multi-grade classes. Finally, suggestions for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of management in multigrade classes are presented.

کلمات کلیدی:
Multiple, management, student, population

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