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Assessing the Impact of Development on the Demand for ICT Services and ICT Infrastructure in Iran: a Study of Inter - Provincial with Panel Data Approach

عنوان مقاله: Assessing the Impact of Development on the Demand for ICT Services and ICT Infrastructure in Iran: a Study of Inter - Provincial with Panel Data Approach
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_JITM-5-3_008
منتشر شده در در سال 1392
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

حسن محمد غفاری - Ph.D. Student in Economics, University of Mofid, Qom, Iran
رضا علیزاده قره باغ - M.Sc. in Economics, University of Chamran, Ahvaz, Iran
یونس سلمانی سلمانی - M.Sc. in Energy Economics, University of PWUT, Tehran, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
Supply and development of ICT is considered as an important factor of ICT demand in line of macro plan of each country. In this regard, the relationship development of provinces with ICT services and ICT infrastructure is investigated among households of provinces in the Iran. In order to evaluate the level of ICT services and infrastructure, we applied introduced "IDI International index" with three separate subgroups (access, use, skills). The estimate results show; by increasing size of household, demand for ICT will be grown up. Also household are following from last year consumption habits. In evaluating the relationship development of ICT services and ICT infrastructures, skills subgroup has had most effect on growing of household expenditure on ICT. As a result investment on user skills level increases usage of ICT facilities. Finally access subgroup that was related to investment in ICT infrastructure and facilities causes more growth in ICT demand.  

کلمات کلیدی:
Development of ICT, Services and Infrastructure ICT, Demand for ICT, household expenditures, Provinces

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