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Manʼs Attitude towards Life Events from the Perspective of Masnavī Maʿnavī

عنوان مقاله: Manʼs Attitude towards Life Events from the Perspective of Masnavī Maʿnavī
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_JER-2-3_004
منتشر شده در در سال 1400
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

امیر رجبی - Ph.D Student, University of Mohaqiq Ardabili
حسین نوین - Associate Professor, University of Mohaqiq Ardabili
شکرالله پورالخلاص - University of Ardabi

خلاصه مقاله:
Human life, from the beginning to the end, includes various events that are usually divided into two pleasant and unpleasant groups. The question of what and why these events occur and how to evaluate they are good or bad, as well as the discussion of how humans deal with these events are among the old concerns addressed by each of the world's schools of thought. Meanwhile, Muslim mystics, such as Mulavī, have also discussed this in detail. In this descriptive-analytical study, the causes of pleasant and unpleasant life events, as well as the way people deal with these events are examined from the perspective of Masnavī Maʿnavī, as one of the most important texts of mystical literature. In this regard, the results show that according to Mulavī in Masnavī, although the source of all events in the universe is the will of God, according to the same divine will, the reason for the occurrence of various events in the life is the action of man himself or a test to measure and guide him towards perfection. According to Mulavī, the criterion for evaluating events is not their pleasant and unpleasant appearance, but how they affect human growth and perfection. Surrender, gratitude and patience are also Mulavīʼs advice to face various life events.

کلمات کلیدی:
Life events, Masnavī Maʿnavī, Mulavī, evil

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