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The importance and role of volunteers in achieving of permanent development with emphasis on the Red Crescent society of Iran:

عنوان مقاله: The importance and role of volunteers in achieving of permanent development with emphasis on the Red Crescent society of Iran:
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_JORAR-4-4_005
منتشر شده در در سال 1391
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

حسن اسفندیار

خلاصه مقاله:
Abstract Introduction: Nowadays, sustainable and effective development has an important position in counties;#۳۹ micro and macro planning which includes several parts such as personal development, culture and social system, government, economic system infrastructure, and environment. However, this process is recommended by governments and governmental organizations to use the ability of non-governmental organizations, members, volunteers, legal persons and their role in achieving sustainable development. Therefore, development of organizations and NGOs has increased in many countries in the past years. In Iran, government assigned responsibilities for private sectors in recent years. This paper aimed to study the position of volunteers, the value of their social and economic activities, and the role of volunteers in achieving sustainable development at international level and Red Crescent society, the largest NGO, is investigated as one of the responsible organization for organizing volunteer activities. Methods: In this paper, the methods of achieving sustainable development were studied using library documents and information from networks by voluntary participation and the author;#۳۹ experience in the field of volunteers management nationally and internationally. Findings: Nowadays, with spreading of economic and social problems in the world, international organizations especially UN has tended to promote volunteering culture. And they are trying to use volunteers in order to minimize economic pressure to needy and vulnerable groups (Importance of volunteers;#۳۹ role in the world); increasing of social crises in the world has shown decline of civilized western world from religious and valuable concepts. So with valuable and humanitarian concepts and values and voluntary activities, it is trying to find and get together a kind of common culture in people;#۳۹s relationships regardless of their color, race, language and religion (communicating of people around the world with each other through volunteering concept); regarding civil society and developing of democracy by volunteers in various communities and attention of governments, politicians and decision-makers in societies are other important issues in volunteers participation (Attention of governments and politicians to volunteering concept); and the responsible international organizations are trying to increase participation of the private sectors and organizations in voluntary activities and utilize fully of their ability in order to help the needy and affected people. Accordingly, major donors and sponsors of volunteer programs are private companies, entrepreneurs, banks, financial institutions, and local businesses (active participation of private sectors and volunteers in volunteers;#۳۹ activities). Conclusion: Undoubtedly, promotion of volunteering culture in the world and ubiquity participation of volunteers without any financial and material expectation can leave behind a significant effect on all society aspects ba sed on human nature especially in social and economic dimensions. However, it seems that volunteers in community and promotion of volunteering culture can revive human values in different countries in addition to facilitate the access of effective development for them. Therefore, volunteers;#۳۹ sense of responsibility can revive values and personal beliefs in the community and also leads to people growth.

کلمات کلیدی:
Keywords: volunteers, sustainable development, organizations, NGOs, داوطلبان, توسعه پایدار, سازمان ها و تشکل ها , مشارکت مردمی

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