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Mechanical Properties of Shale Gas Reservoir: A Case Study from Haynesville Shale, United State of America

عنوان مقاله: Mechanical Properties of Shale Gas Reservoir: A Case Study from Haynesville Shale, United State of America
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_HTPUB-3-1_005
منتشر شده در در سال 1400
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Intan Nur Dania bt Asrul Amir - دانشجو
Nurhawanis bt Jamuri - دانشجو

خلاصه مقاله:
Characterization of rock heterogeneity in organic-shale reservoirs based on core data necessitates a vast database of core measurements. To identify the potential zones for fractures and rock classification, it is important to evaluate the petrophysical and elastic qualities of the formation, which is in this study: Haynesville Formation. Rock classification approaches based on well logs can be more efficient than those based on cores, and they allow for formation characterisation at different depths as well. Few rock categorization approaches are highlighted that include well logs and the calculations of elastic properties in order to identify confining pressure, rock brittleness, and rock classification of Haynesville Shale. The result of this study comprises of the identification of confining pressure where there is low confining pressure that causes splitting-shear failure in Haynesville Shale. Besides, the rock brittleness index in this study area rises as it claims that the increase in Young’s Modulus with little value of Poisson’s Ratio, as well as the greater content of quartz and small illite concentration. The brittleness index, organic richness, and volumetric quartz and illite concentrations are used to classify the rocks of the Haynesville Shale into four rock classes. The result can be further justified that rock class ۴ is the most brittle and least organically rich due to the high quartz and low illite concentrations.

کلمات کلیدی:
Young Modulus; Poisson Ratio; Elastic Moduli; Heterogeneity

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