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A determinant inequality and log-majorisation for operators

عنوان مقاله: A determinant inequality and log-majorisation for operators
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_IJNAA-7-1_013
منتشر شده در در سال 1394
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

- - - Department of Mathematical Sciences, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, ۸۴۱۵۶-۸۳۱۱۱

خلاصه مقاله:
‎Let \lambda_۱,\dots,\lambda_n  be positive real numbers such that \sum_{k=۱}^n \lambda_k=۱. In this paper, we prove that for any positive operators a_۱,a_۲,\ldots, a_n in semifinite von Neumann algebra M with faithful normal trace that \t(۱)<\infty, \prod_{k=۱}^n(\det a_k)^{\lambda_k}\,\le\,\det (\sum_{k=۱}^n \lambda_k a_k),where \det a=exp(\int_۰^{\t(۱)} \mu_a(t)\,dt). If furthermore \t(a_i)<\infty for every ۱\le i\le n and \prod_{k=۱}^n(\det a_k)^{\lambda_k}\neq ۰, then equality holds if and only if a_۱=a_۲=\cdots =a_n. A log-majorisation version of Young inequality are given as well.

کلمات کلیدی:
‎Singular values‎, ‎Semifinite trace‎, ‎Majorisation‎, ‎log-majorisation

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