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Today's approach to sustainable development in buildings

عنوان مقاله: Today's approach to sustainable development in buildings
شناسه ملی مقاله: SASTECH05_015
منتشر شده در پنجمین کنفرانس بین المللی پیشرفت های علوم و تکنولوژی در سال 1390
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Mehdi Amiri - Faculty Member Institute of Higher Education Khavaran
Seyyed Ehsan Sayadi - Master of architecture - instructor Khavaran Institute of Higher Education

خلاصه مقاله:
In the long term sustainable design is not an option because we have an obligation to destroy resources, water, and we've paid our country; contaminated land and thefuture, we have made and the disastrous results of this process have been ignored. Accordingly, one of the recent issues raised in the architecture, sustainability andtherefore the design is in accordance with the environment. Term sustainable architecture or architectural environment to coexist in a complex architecturesensitive nature, refers to humans and artifacts. Today's puzzle environmental objective and organized sustainable balance between nature, environment and living organisms are built. Under the plan OECD, building sustainable buildings are considered less damaging effects on the built environment (artificial) and natural surrounding, the area around the text and background as well as their own general.Therefore, to achieve sustainable architecture is not possible unless the field with emphasis on integration. Field-oriented architecture on earth orbital spaceenvironment and the link is highlighted and understood your message bed is formed. In fact the message that context, he transferred to the architecture and design brought to objectivity. As a result a small part of nature surrounding the building will be. In this architecture, each building on areas of cultural, social, historical andphysical, climatic and site specific conditions and construction Design and construction are compatible with the ecology and member coordinating element in their bed and ultimately in the context of the environment will be. The research onthat field as one of the abiding principles of sustainable design and architecture in the area to introduce environmental sustainability. This qualitative research study carried out a descriptive research method and data gathering tool of objective observation and study of written sources, is documentation

کلمات کلیدی:
Sustainable architecture, sustainability, environment, field integration, design, context, text, ground, nature

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