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Effect of Jute Fibre Reinforcement on Shear Strength of Concrete

عنوان مقاله: Effect of Jute Fibre Reinforcement on Shear Strength of Concrete
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_IJEE-14-3_003
منتشر شده در در سال 1402
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

U. N. Wilson - Department of Civil Engineering, Nigerian Defence Academy Kaduna, Nigeria
J. E. Sani - Department of Civil Engineering, Nigerian Defence Academy Kaduna, Nigeria
A. Yusuf - Department of Civil Engineering, Nigerian Defence Academy Kaduna, Nigeria
O. C. Eze - Department of Civil Engineering, Nigerian Defence Academy Kaduna, Nigeria

خلاصه مقاله:
This research work examined the effect of jute fibre on the shear strength of concrete. Fibre volume fractions of ۰%, ۰.۲۵%, ۰.۵%, and ۰.۷۵% for grades ۲۵, ۳۰, ۳۵ and ۴۰ N/mm۲ respectively were used. A total of ۳۲ beams and ۹۶ cubes were prepared. ۱۶ beams and ۴۸ cubes were cured at room temperature for ۲۸ days, while the other ۱۶ beams and ۴۸ cubes were cured for ۲۸ days and kept for a period of ۶ months to be observed for durability with respect to strength after testing. All the beams were tested under three-point loading system with a shear span, av = ۲.۵d. The results of the compressive strength showed that concrete made with ۰.۵% jute fibre for ۲۸ days and ۶ months gave percentage increase in compressive strength by ۱۲%, ۱۲.۵%, ۹.۷% and ۱۰.۱% for grades ۲۵, ۳۰, ۳۵ and ۴۰ N/mm۲ respectively compared to the control samples. Percentage increase in shear strength were by ۲۴.۵%, ۱۶.۱%, ۲۷.۹% and ۱۶.۵% for concrete grades ۲۵, ۳۰, ۳۵ and ۴۰ N/mm۲ respectively compared to the control samples. The addition of the fibre to the concrete slightly reduced the workability of the concrete and increased the crack resistance of concrete.

کلمات کلیدی:
Jute fibre, Shear strength, Compressive strength, Workability, Concrete

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