A Concise Study of Artificial Intelligence in Education, a QuickPeek at English

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 179

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 شهریور 1402


It‟s a concise study of how artificial intelligence or AI such as ChatGPT could be used in education,instructing English and whether we have prepared for it or not. Artificial intelligence has proved to bebeneficial in a variety of fields. We discuss the opportunities that AI provides and the unavoidable challengesthat teachers must face in order to effectively implement it in the classroom. It is highly demanded by societyand its popularity is in a rapidly increasing state, leading to the creation of more such AIs. However, it couldhave unfavorable effects, including negatively affecting the stability of teachers‟ jobs.


Mohammad Amin Eslampanah

TESL Student at Semnan CFU, Shahid Rajaee Branch

Younes Beyki

TESL Student at Semnan CFU, Shahid Rajaee Branch

Mehdi Pirdehghan

TESL Student at Semnan CFU, Shahid Rajaee Branch