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بررسی رابطه مدیریت بحران و سازماندهی فضایی و امنیت در گردشگری (مطالعه موردی: شهر یزد)

عنوان مقاله: بررسی رابطه مدیریت بحران و سازماندهی فضایی و امنیت در گردشگری (مطالعه موردی: شهر یزد)
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_TURIJ-4-13_006
منتشر شده در در سال 1394
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

سعیده مویدفر - دانشگاه آیت ا... حائری میبد
مسعود تقوایی - دانشگاه اصفهان

خلاصه مقاله:
Extended Abstract Business globalization and internationalization of communication, leading to crises has been growing today. Major events such as natural disasters, epidemics, terrorist attacks, improper management and the pressures impose on the industry. In fact, tourism crisis is defined as any event that threatens destination normal function and carry out business related to tourism may impair or threaten the safety of tourists. Urban tourism spaces are as a subset of the city's population, followed by their affinity, which are highly vulnerable to human and natural disasters. This article is based on Explaining the concept of tourism crisis management, determine situation of major components of tourism crisis management in tourist spaces of Yazd city. The results show that dimensions of tourism crisis management among the different spaces as well as physical security, political- social, economic and behavior security have been higher than average level items. To analyze the results, and outlines, using versatility crisis approach and using the SWOT model, have been found strengths, opportunities, aspirations and results.   Introduction Tourism is the largest movement of people in peacetime (Movahed, ۲۰۰۷: ۱۱۷). Today, tourism is one of the most promising activities that are referred to as the development passage (Khustavi negad, ۲۰۰۸: ۸۹). Regarding the issue of tourism as the most important effects that based on available statistics, the number of tourists in the world has arrived in ۲۰۱۰ to ۹۴۰ million (UNWTO,۲۰۱۱: ۱۱) About ۳/۳۹ percent compared to ۱۹۹۵ And this growth was despite numerous changes and shocks caused by natural disasters and economic crises in worldwide (UNWTO,۲۰۱۱: ۵). Urban tourism is one of the phenomena of new urban with complex mix of different activities that   occur to join the environmental features and the ability to stretch the city to attract tourists and their service. Yazd city has historical, cultural heritage and adobe architecture and for this reason an important role has in attracting visitors. One of the most important factors that will require the prosperity and development of tourism in the Yazd city, safety of tourists and tourist spaces. Since the major tourist spaces of this city, located in the historical context and due to their high vulnerability, the importance of crisis management makes more necessary in these environments. This study aims according to the new issue of crisis management and the importance of tourism and the need to pay serious attention to the revenue of the industry respond to the following questions: What is the basic component of the tourism crisis in tourist spaces of Yazd? What is the relationship between tourism crisis management and spatial organizing and the promotion of safety of tourists in these places? What solution can be used to better manage of crises in the spaces of Yazd city?   Materials and Methods The methodology of this study is a combination of several methods. In the first stage are used to collect information and statistics of the documentary method and in the next stage used of the field method and Factors affecting the tourism industry distinguished with emphasis crisis management. The scientific basis of this study has been established to Identify tourism spaces according to crisis and Security in front of them. In this study, for access the sample of the tourist population is proceed random sampling in each of the areas of tourism, through a questionnaire survey.   Discussion and Results Discussion of tourism crisis management has a direct relationship to security and tourists' satisfaction. The criteria that could cover this issue include: Knowledge in the field of crisis for choice of destination, Institutional capability, Security (Physical security, socio-political , Economic and Behavioral security), Satisfaction of tourists from space tourism, Travel Profile, Spatial organization.  According to the research question   is dealing different aspects of crisis management and security, it is necessary to combine items in each dimension and then combining the main aspects of the main variables. For this reason we consider of Ratio Chi-Square test that crisis management is as dependent variable and spatial organization and security as independent variables. Chi-square test results of the relationship between crisis management and spatial organization, shows that there is a relationship between these two variables. Also in this study, with using of path analysis model has been found affecting variables of tourism crisis management. Among the multiple variables that had a significant effect, it is security index ۰.۰۱۷, satisfaction index ۰.۱۸۷ and index of spatial organization ۰.۰۷۴.   Conclusions According to analyzes conducted in this research, And access to components of tourism crisis management and the relationship of these components with other factors, attempted that with regard to the views of tourists and as well as the use of tourism experts in Yazd and using the Delphi technique, identified Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the SWOT model and provided guidelines for them. To prioritize strategies, first of all can be used ST and WO strategies, in the second of SO strategies and ultimately defensive strategies of WT. 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کلمات کلیدی:
مدیریت بحران گردشگری, فضاهای گردشگری, امنیت, ساماندهی فضایی, شهر یزد

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