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LINC۰۱۱۱۶ is negatively correlated withthe GAPDH gene in breast cancer tissues

عنوان مقاله: LINC۰۱۱۱۶ is negatively correlated withthe GAPDH gene in breast cancer tissues
شناسه ملی مقاله: CGC01_361
منتشر شده در اولین کنگره بین المللی ژنومیک سرطان در سال 1402
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Mohammadjavad Karimi Taheri - Molecular Genetics Department, Biological Sciences Faculty, TarbiatModares University, Tehran, Iran
Majid Sadeghizadeh - Molecular Genetics Department, Biological Sciences Faculty, TarbiatModares University, Tehran, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
Introduction: Breast cancer is the most lethal malignancyamong women worldwide. Emerging evidence supports thatlncRNAs have significant roles in several processes of tumordevelopment, and their abnormal expression is linked to tumorgrowth. Using and choosing the best internal control gene inqRT-PCR to normalize gene expression is crucial and dependson the context of the experiments. A study demonstrated thatthe knockdown of LINC۰۱۱۱۶ (also known as TALNEC۲) upregulatesthe expression of GAPDH, a common internal controlgene in qRT-PCR data analysis, in prostate cancer cells. In thisstudy, we aimed to assess the correlation between LINC۰۱۱۱۶and GAPDH genes in breast cancer tissues.Methods: A breast cancer microarray dataset (GSE۴۵۸۲۷) wasanalyzed to evaluate the correlation between LINC۰۱۱۱۶ andGAPDH genes. In addition, the Encyclopedia of RNA Intercoms(ENCORI) database was also used to assess this correlationbetween these genes in TCGA RNA-Seq breast cancersamples.Results: Microarray data analysis demonstrated that LINC۰۱۱۱۶was among the top ten most significantly correlated lncRNAswith the GAPDH gene. The correlation was negative (r =-۰.۴۷۵۰۴), and the P-value was calculated at ۱.۱۳E-۰۸. Moreover,this negative correlation was also observed in TCGA RNASeqbreast cancer samples (r = -۰.۲۶۴, P-value = ۴.۹۴E-۱۹).Conclusion: In Conclusion: , our result exhibited thatLINC۰۱۱۱۶ has a meaningful, negative correlation with theGAPDH gene, and GAPDH may not be an appropriate internalcontrol gene for evaluating the expression of LINC۰۱۱۱۶in breast cancer samples. In addition, our results suggest thatthe role of LINC۰۱۱۱۶ in breast cancer is probably related toGAPDH regulation and function

کلمات کلیدی:
LINC۰۱۱۱۶, GAPDH, breast cancer, internal-control-gene

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