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Applying Ni-P-PTFE Composite Coatings by Electroless Deposition Method and Investigating Their Corrosion and Tribological Properties

عنوان مقاله: Applying Ni-P-PTFE Composite Coatings by Electroless Deposition Method and Investigating Their Corrosion and Tribological Properties
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_ICAC-9-37_004
منتشر شده در در سال 1399
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

میرقاسم حسینی - دانشکده شیمی، دانشگاه تبریز، تبریز، ایران
امین سلیمانی - دانشگاه تبریز
طاهر ربیع زاده - دانشگاه تبریز
بهزاد آبشت - پژوهشکده رانشگرهای فضایی، پژوهشگاه فضایی ایران
احسان شالچی - پژوهشکده رانشگرهای فضایی، پژوهشگاه فضایی ایران

خلاصه مقاله:
To develop and improve some of the electroless nickel coating properties, nickel composite electroless coatings were introduced. In this research, Ni-P-PTFE composite coatings containing different PTFE percentages were deposited on steel substrate by electroless method. The influence of amount of PTFE on the mechanical, anticorrosive and tribological properties of coatings was investigated. The Micro hardness and pin on disk analysis were carried out to evaluate the hardness, erosion resistance and friction coefficient of coatings. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) were performed to study the morphology and elements of coatings. The results showed in the absence of PTFE the amount of P element was about ۱۰.۴۲ wt.% whilst it decreased to ۵.۰۲ wt.% in the presence of ۲۰ g/l PTFE. In addition, the presence of PTFE lubricant particles reduced the friction coefficient from ۰.۸ for Ni-P coating to ۰.۱ for Ni-P-PTFE (۲۰g/l) composite coatings. In bath containing concentrations of ۲۰g/l PTFE, respectively, the lowest coefficient of friction was observed. The anti-corrosive behavior of coatings was studied in ۳.۵ wt. % NaCl by tafel polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) methods. Evaluating the effect of PTFE concentration on the corrosion behavior of the composite coatings demonstrated that the obtained coatings in presence of ۲۰ g/L PTFE had the maximum corrosion resistance. For example, the OCP number increased from -۴۷۵ mV to -۳۵۰ mV. Moreover, the logarithm of the corrosion current density decreased from ۱.۷۸ µ۲ to ۱.۱۵ µ۲. It was due to the proper distribution of PTFE particles in coating and their chemical stability.

کلمات کلیدی:
electroless coating, polytetrafluoroethylene, self lubricant, corrosion, wear, friction, پوشش الکترولس, کامپوزیت, پلی تترا فلورو اتیلن, خود روانکاری, خوردگی, سایش, اصطکاک

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