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The Customer Quality of Delivered Care to Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Tabriz City, Iran, ۲۰۱۲

عنوان مقاله: The Customer Quality of Delivered Care to Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Tabriz City, Iran, ۲۰۱۲
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_JHES-3-3_004
منتشر شده در در سال 1394
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Jafar Sadegh Tabrizi
Mohammad Hossein Somi
Roya Hassanzadeh
Mohammad Asghari-Jafarabadi
Farid Gharibi

خلاصه مقاله:
Abstract Background and purpose: Customer quality (CQ) refers to knowledge, attitude, and skills of service-user in treatment process and this study aims to assess it in delivered care to patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Tabriz city, Iran, ۲۰۱۲. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional investigation in which the target population includes ۹۴ patients with IBD, who had medical care files in Imam Reza Hospital and Tabriz Golgasht Specialized Clinic. A ۱۹-question inventory is the tool for data collection that its validity was approve by ۱۰ experts and its reliability was examined and verified by conducting a pilot study and with calculation of internal consistency (α = ۰.۷۸). SPSS software was employed to analyze data. Results: The mean score of the variable of CQ was derived (۷۰.۶۳ ± ۹.۶۷) in patients with IBD disease. All participants had acquired the scores of self-management at the first phase. However, at last ۱۱.۷% of them had reported the highest scores in variable of CQ and they could continue their own medical care trend under variable conditions like stress and financial problems. Similarly, there was a significant relationship among CQ with an educational degree in the participants (P = ۰.۰۵۰) so that as the educational level was higher, the score of CQ was also increased. Conclusion: The acquired results signify that CQ is relatively acceptable in the studied population but major problems are visible in some areas, and this may imply the necessity for consideration by healthcare directors.

کلمات کلیدی:
Customer Quality, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Tabriz (Iran)

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