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Teacher Evaluation by Students: A Comprehensive Approach

عنوان مقاله: Teacher Evaluation by Students: A Comprehensive Approach
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_SDME-9-1_005
منتشر شده در در سال 1391
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Masoud Rahimi - M.Sc. in Nursing of Community Health, Instructor of Nursing Dept., School of Nursing & Midwifery, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
Robabe Zarooj Hosseini - M.Sc. in Medical Education, Instructor of Nursing Dept., Medical Education Development Center, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
Mohsen Darabian - Subspecialist in Cardiology, Associate Professor of Cardiology Dept., School of Medicine, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
Abbas Ali Taherian - General Practitioner, School of Medicine, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
Ahmad Khosravi - Ph.D. Candidate in Epidemiology, Instructor of Basic Sciences, School of Medicine, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Iran.

خلاصه مقاله:
Background & Objectives: One of the common approaches for teacher evaluation is evaluation by students and in this relation considering the opinions of teachers as main targets of this process is important The aim of this study was a systematic review of the researches performed about the opinions of faculty members of the country towards evaluation of teacher by students Methods: The abstracts of ۱۷۵۰ papers presented in Iran Medical Education Congresses since ۱۹۷۹ as well as related articles indexed in Iranian databases and International databases (PubMed & Scopus) were reviewed by using keywords such as teacher evaluation evaluation by student self evaluation quality of teaching professors viewpoints education process satisfaction teaching method evaluation studies and feedback After a primary review ۴۷ papers from different universities were selected and reviewed by different research groups Finally the obtained data were emerged based on criteria defined in groups common meetings Results : Satisfaction rate of faculty members from evaluation was ۴۷۸% and the effect of feed backing the evaluation results was ۷۱۲% The highest satisfaction rate was related to the time of evaluation (mean ۶۵۵%) and the majority of teachers believed that Education Development Center (EDC) is the best center for evaluation Mean score of selfevaluations by professors was higher than that Was done by students and there was poor correlation between these scores Conclusion: regarding to low satisfaction rate and weaknesses in this type of evaluation basic revisions and using multi source Fedback(MSF) for teachers are recommended

کلمات کلیدی:
evaluation, Faculty member, Systematic review, Feedback, Viewpoint

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