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شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_IJB-24-1_002
منتشر شده در در سال 1397
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Sedigheh Rahimi - Department of Plant Sciences and technology, Faculty of biological sciences and technology, Shahid Beheshti University, GC. P. O. Box, ۱۹۸۳۹۶۹۴۱۱, Tehran, Iran.
Ahmadreza Mehrabian - Department of Plant Sciences and technology, Faculty of biological sciences and technology, Shahid Beheshti University, GC. P. O. Box, ۱۹۸۳۹۶۹۴۱۱, Tehran, Iran.
Massoud Sheidai - Department of Plant Sciences and technology, Faculty of biological sciences and technology, Shahid Beheshti University, GC. P. O. Box, ۱۹۸۳۹۶۹۴۱۱, Tehran, Iran.
Mojdeh Mohebi Sadr - Department of Plant Sciences and technology, Faculty of biological sciences and technology, Shahid Beheshti University, GC. P. O. Box, ۱۹۸۳۹۶۹۴۱۱, Tehran, Iran.

خلاصه مقاله:
This study aims to assess the pollen characteristics of Iranian Onagraceae based on SEM techniques to evaluate the possibility of giving them a role in systematic analysis. Pollen grains of the studied taxa included radially symmetrical, tetrad tetra-hederal, isopolar, triangular to triangular-spheroidal, ۳-zonoporate, with viscin threads, rugulate-granulate, granulate, verrucate and striate sculpturing. Polar axis ranged between ۳۰ and ۸۰ µm. Equatorial axis showed variation from ۴۰ to ۹۰ µm. Moreover, arm diameter ranged between ۸.۸۵ to ۱۸.۸۳ µm, pore diameter ۸.۷۲ to ۲۱.۶۹ µm. PCOA and Cluster analysis of pollen characteristics did not clearly show sectional divisions based on Flora Iranica as well as Flora of Iran. There are not significant differences in size, shape, pore structure and arm characteristics to delimit all species in Onagraceae. Moreover, Pollen grains are not efficient for generic delimitation in the studied taxa in Iran. Therefore, even though that the examined taxa cannot be distinguished exclusively by pollen, it may be a use­ful tool for delimitation some taxa in Onagraceae along with other evidence.

کلمات کلیدی:
Palynology, Onagraceae, Epilobium, Circaea, Oenothera, Iran

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