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Energy and environment sustainability in architecture of modernmega-cities: case study of Iran

عنوان مقاله: Energy and environment sustainability in architecture of modernmega-cities: case study of Iran
شناسه ملی مقاله: IDEACONF06_031
منتشر شده در ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی ایده های راهبردی در معماری، عمران و شهرسازی ایران در سال 1402
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Toranj Kasaeian - Affiliation: Graduate School of Urban Studies and Planning, National Research UniversityHigher School Of Economics in Russia

خلاصه مقاله:
City planners have traditionally concentrated on concerns like aesthetics, land use,transit, and other such topics. Have given the subject of energy and its ideal use incities less consideration. It is not a good idea to utilize fossil fuels as fuel sincethey are scarce and their overuse has harmed the ecosystem. City planners haverecently become interested in the design of cities with low energy usage, likeMaster in the UAE. Optimizing energy use in residential areas is essential in a citylike Tehran, which is grappling with several environmental issues. Everyone alsoagrees that energy is one of the most significant national capitals and that usingnatural energies and putting them to use will be crucial to maintaining theenvironment for present and future generations. In order to replace renewable andsustainable energies (sun, water, wind, biogas, etc.) while minimizingenvironmental pollution and energy waste, the majority of researchers aim tomake a substantial influence on the economy. Energy management is particularlyimportant in the construction business due to the rise in energy consumption, andit is required to offer practical solutions to lower energy use, avoid energy waste,and lower building construction and operation costs. The concept of energyefficient and environmentally friendly structures in architecture and sustainableurban development has received significant worldwide attention in this respect.New generations of structures without fossil fuels are referred to as low energybuildings. These structures have the benefits of raising energy efficiency,conserving energy, and cutting waste. In order to advance in the direction ofreducing energy waste and optimizing the economy in the relationship betweenarchitectural design and sustainable urban development, this article introducessolutions to optimize energy consumption to architects and activists in the field ofconstruction using library resources and the descriptive-analytical researchmethod.

کلمات کلیدی:
Sustainable buildings, Energy efficiency, Environmental impacts,renewable energy, Iran.

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