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Lead-free BNKT piezoelectric actuator

عنوان مقاله: Lead-free BNKT piezoelectric actuator
شناسه ملی مقاله: ICC10_020
منتشر شده در دهمین کنگره سرامیک ایران در سال 1394
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

A Moosavi - Materials and Energy Research Centre,karaj, Iran
M.A Bahrevar - Materials and Energy Research Centre,karaj, Iran
A.R. Aghaei - Materials and Energy Research Centre,karaj, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
An actuator is a device that converts input energy into mechanical energy. According to varioustypes of input energy, various actuators have been advanced. Displacement in theelectromagnetic, hydraulic and pneumatic actuators achieve by moving a piston viaelectromagnetic force or pressure, however the piezoelectric actuator (piezoceramic plates)displace directly. Therefore, accuracy and speed in the piezoelectric device are higher thanother types of actuators. In the present work, the high-field electromechanical response of highquality(۱−x)(Bi۰.۵Na۰.۵)TiO۳–x(Bi۰.۵K۰.۵)TiO۳ samples abbreviated to BNKTx with x = ۰.۱۸,۰.۲۰, ۰.۲۲ and ۰.۲۴ ceramic materials across its MPB was investigated. The piezoelectrics andactuation characteristics were characterized. Our results indicate that x = ۰.۲۰, indeed,constitutes the best choice for the MPB composition in the system. Maximum of remanentpolarization (۳۷.۵ μC cm−۲) was obtained for x=۰.۲۰. High-field electromechanical responseswere also obtained for BNKT۰.۲۰ samples. This material exhibited giant field induced strainsof ۰.۱۳% under ۱ kV mm-۱ at room temperature.

کلمات کلیدی:
Piezoelectrics, Lead-free, BNKT, Actuator

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