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Evaluating Nutritional Values of Selected Grass Species in Chaffe area,Hawassa, Ethiopia

عنوان مقاله: Evaluating Nutritional Values of Selected Grass Species in Chaffe area,Hawassa, Ethiopia
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_GJSAR-8-2_003
منتشر شده در در سال 1399
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Maticha Korato - Department of Animal Science, Bonga University
Teramaj Abebe - Department of Animal Science, MekdelaAmba University

خلاصه مقاله:
This study was conducted to evaluate nutritive value of grass species inChaffe communally grazing area.According to thefocus group discussion, three grass species (Pennisetumclandestinum, Chlorisgayana and Cynedemdactylon) were selected for chemical composition evaluation due to their preference for animals in this area. The variables recorded were dry matter (DM), ash, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and acid detergent lignin (ADL).Data on these values were subjected to the general linear model (GLM) procedure of SAS statistical package and usedTukey test means comparison procedure to separate difference among species. As seen from this study, DM values were ۹۵.۰۹%, ۹۴.۲۳% and ۹۵.۱۱% forPennisetumclandestinumChlorisgayana, and Cynedemdactylon, respectively and showed no variation among species (p>۰.۰۵). Current finding indicated ۱۶.۳۴%, ۱۲.۴۰% and ۱۲.۵۶% ash percentage forPennisetumclandestinum,Chlorisgayanaand Cynedemdactylon, respectively and seen variation(p<۰.۰۵) among species. It was also seen from current finding that CP values obtained ۱۳.۰۳%, ۹.۲۱% and ۸.۰۱% for PennisetumclandestinumChlorisgayanaand Cynedemdactylon, respectively were significantly different (p<۰.۰۵) among three grass species. Similarly, fiber contents (NDF ۵۷.۲۳%, ۶۶.۰۶% and ۶۲.۳۴% for PennisetumclandestinumChlorisgayanaand Cynedemdactylon, respectively; ADF ۲۶.۳۳%, ۳۲.۲۷% and ۳۳.۴۱% for PennisetumclandestinumChlorisgayanaand Cynedemdactylon, respectively and ADL ۴.۴۳%, ۶.۱۸% and ۶.۳۲% for PennisetumclandestinumChlorisgayanaand Cynedemdactylon, respectively) indicated significant variation (p<۰.۰۵) among grass species. However, Pennisetumclandestinum showed better quality among selected three grass species;according to standard the present study revealed high levels ofdetergent fibers for all three selected native grasses used mainly as forage for livestock in this area. So, this indicates need of improved forage and supplementary feed for livestock reared in this area to obtain better production for farmers from their animals.This study was conducted to evaluate nutritive value of grass species inChaffe communally grazing area.According to thefocus group discussion, three grass species (Pennisetumclandestinum, Chlorisgayana and Cynedemdactylon) were selected for chemical composition evaluation due to their preference for animals in this area. The variables recorded were dry matter (DM), ash, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and acid detergent lignin (ADL).Data on these values were subjected to the general linear model (GLM) procedure of SAS statistical package and usedTukey test means comparison procedure to separate difference among species. As seen from this study, DM values were ۹۵.۰۹%, ۹۴.۲۳% and ۹۵.۱۱% forPennisetumclandestinumChlorisgayana, and Cynedemdactylon, respectively and showed no variation among species (p>۰.۰۵). Current finding indicated ۱۶.۳۴%, ۱۲.۴۰% and ۱۲.۵۶% ash percentage forPennisetumclandestinum,Chlorisgayanaand Cynedemdactylon, respectively and seen variation(p<۰.۰۵) among species. It was also seen from current finding that CP values obtained ۱۳.۰۳%, ۹.۲۱% and ۸.۰۱% for PennisetumclandestinumChlorisgayanaand Cynedemdactylon, respectively were significantly different (p<۰.۰۵) among three grass species. Similarly, fiber contents (NDF ۵۷.۲۳%, ۶۶.۰۶% and ۶۲.۳۴% for PennisetumclandestinumChlorisgayanaand Cynedemdactylon, respectively; ADF ۲۶.۳۳%, ۳۲.۲۷% and ۳۳.۴۱% for PennisetumclandestinumChlorisgayanaand Cynedemdactylon, respectively and ADL ۴.۴۳%, ۶.۱۸% and ۶.۳۲% for PennisetumclandestinumChlorisgayanaand Cynedemdactylon, respectively) indicated significant variation (p<۰.۰۵) among grass species. However, Pennisetumclandestinum showed better quality among selected three grass species;according to standard the present study revealed high levels ofdetergent fibers for all three selected native grasses used mainly as forage for livestock in this area. So, this indicates need of improved forage and supplementary feed for livestock reared in this area to obtain better production for farmers from their animals.

کلمات کلیدی:
Ash, DM, CP, fiber content, Grass species, Chaffe, Hawassa

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