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Lightweight Concrete and its advantages compared with conventional concrete

عنوان مقاله: Lightweight Concrete and its advantages compared with conventional concrete
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_JCER-1-3_002
منتشر شده در در سال 1396
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Ali Pirzad - Orientation of construction management, University of Elm Va Sanat ,Borujerd,,Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
Concrete is one of the most widely used materials in the world. Considering the need to build high-rise structures,especially in building industry, it is better to reduce the dead load of buildings, structures lighter and also reduce the stress of.One of the best solutions for this purpose is using lightweight aggregate concrete in addition to make structures has anotherbenefit too. In this paper we show that lightweight concrete especially at elevated concrete structures can be a great alternativeto Ordinary concrete. Lead only to reduce the dead load of the concrete structure does not have but sound insulation andthermal and the ability to recycle and various other benefits are the advantages of this type of concrete. The use of concrete inconstruction increase the cost of materials but overall, economic savings will be greater in high-rise structures. The use oflightweight aggregate concrete not only in concrete but also has very efficient in building blocks. In this paper comparing thetwo types of concrete has been studied in two ways. First benefits of physical properties and second in terms of propertiesengineering including compressive strength tensile strength and modulus of elasticity been discussed and proven that thelightweight concrete has many advantages substitute for conventional concrete and old material.Concrete is one of the most widely used materials in the world. Considering the need to build high-rise structures,especially in building industry, it is better to reduce the dead load of buildings, structures lighter and also reduce the stress of.One of the best solutions for this purpose is using lightweight aggregate concrete in addition to make structures has anotherbenefit too. In this paper we show that lightweight concrete especially at elevated concrete structures can be a great alternativeto Ordinary concrete. Lead only to reduce the dead load of the concrete structure does not have but sound insulation andthermal and the ability to recycle and various other benefits are the advantages of this type of concrete. The use of concrete inconstruction increase the cost of materials but overall, economic savings will be greater in high-rise structures. The use oflightweight aggregate concrete not only in concrete but also has very efficient in building blocks. In this paper comparing thetwo types of concrete has been studied in two ways. First benefits of physical properties and second in terms of propertiesengineering including compressive strength tensile strength and modulus of elasticity been discussed and proven that thelightweight concrete has many advantages substitute for conventional concrete and old material.

کلمات کلیدی:
lightweight Concrete, compressive strength, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, economic efficiency

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