The Conflict between Palestine and Israel: A Clash ofCivilizations or a Tale of Western Imperialism?

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 اسفند 1402


The question of whether the issues in the Middle East stem from a clashof values or from Western imperialist intervention has long been a subjectof scholarly discourse. This article posits that the discourse around the"clash of civilizations" is an endeavor to uphold Western hegemony in theMiddle East. Furthermore, it contends that this narrative functions as a selffulfillingprophecy, exacerbating ongoing conflicts within the area. Acomplex interplay of factors encompassing ethnic, national, historical, andreligious dimensions shapes the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The degree towhich religion influences non-religious players, the identities ofconflicting parties, the practical issues at hand, the relevant legislation, andtheir attitudes is a topic that is not well acknowledged. This analysisencompasses Huntington's thesis and finds the salient features of the Israel-Palestine conflict that align with the notion of a "clash of civilizations. "This paper aims to examine the distortion of conflicts arising fromconflicting Middle Eastern and Western ideas, which have been used to legitimize Western Domination. This paper explains why the West uses adistorted portrayal of conflicting civilizations as a powerful political tooland the risk of this narrative becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy thatreshapes modern politics.