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The requirement and necessity of the urbanmanagement system and its role and position inimproving the quality level of urban development

عنوان مقاله: The requirement and necessity of the urbanmanagement system and its role and position inimproving the quality level of urban development
شناسه ملی مقاله: ICSAU09_513
منتشر شده در نهمین کنگره سالانه بین المللی عمران، معماری و توسعه شهری در سال 1402
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Reza Mirzaei - Master's student in urban management, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Art,Tehran, Iran.

خلاصه مقاله:
In human societies, the existence of a management system has always led to the progressand movement of a society in the right direction, and its existence was and is a necessarything in order to advance the general goals of society. Also, in today's societies, theexistence of the two elements of "correct management" and "creating effective laws" is anecessary issue; So that a planned and integrated system emerges and the role of allmembers of the society including politicians, citizens, shareholders, etc. is defined in it.And everyone is familiar and aware of their responsibilities and moves within a definedframework. In order for this system to work in a coordinated and integrated manner, theexistence of an efficient management system is necessary, so that the goal, which is actuallythe satisfaction of citizens and the improvement of the quality of urban planning, is realized.In the meantime, city management, which is an emerging field, plays a key role inharmonizing the variables in the city, and it is certain that running the city without amanager is far from effective; Expertise and experience of a manager are advantages thatincrease its productivity. With the growing population and urban density, the need toorganize the city and its shape on a macro level is felt more and more; And if the urbanmanagement system does not provide plans and solutions in accordance with the needs ofthe cities, it will undoubtedly add to the city's problems and there is even a possibility of acrisis. In this article, using the library method, in an analytical, comparative and thinkingway, the necessity of an urban management system will be investigated in order to improvethe quality level of urban development and the results and relationships of this issue.

کلمات کلیدی:
Urban management, urban planning, city form, urban space, citizens

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