Evaluation of Physical Education Course in Education

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 84

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 اردیبهشت 1403


Islam believes that the body has value and respect in connection with the soul, and it isvery important to nurture and maintain health and make the body strong. Nowadays, theimportance of sports among people is not hidden from anyone, and many people from allwalks of life are attracted to it. Gaining experience in physical education classrooms andcontinuing these activities in school is related to the next periods of students' live. Thepurpose of the present study was to evaluate the physical education course in education.The research method in this article is library (print and electronic) .The researchcommunity was documents, articles and studies related to the subject of physical educationand education system. The documents of the Farsi databases of Magiran, Irandoc, Elmnet,comprehensive portal of humanities in the last ۱۰ years were examined. From the totalnumber of studies related to the research subject, ۳۸ articles were selected and analyzedwith the purposive sampling method. The findings showed the correct implementation ofphysical education and sports programs in schools is an effective help for finding talent inorder to identify elites for participating in championship sports, teaching and promotingthe culture of universal sports and the habit of continuous physical activity in later ages .Well-planned evaluation shows the most effective, meaningful and valuable educationalstrategies for improves teaching and subsequently the learning experience of students. Thebenefits of evaluating physical education lessons in schools are not hidden to anyone, butthis lesson has many challenges for primary school teachers.


Fariba Pegahi

Master's student in the field of educational sciences of elementary education, School ofEducational Sciences, Javad Al-Aima University, Yazd, Iran

Mina Sheikh

Master's student in Environmental Health Engineering, School of Health, Department ofEnvironmental Health Engineering, Student Research Committee, School of Health, IsfahanUniversity of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran