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Genetic diversity in the Persian sturgeon, Acipenser percicus, from the south Caspian Sea based on mitochondrial DNA sequences of the control region

عنوان مقاله: Genetic diversity in the Persian sturgeon, Acipenser percicus, from the south Caspian Sea based on mitochondrial DNA sequences of the control region
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_CJES-9-1_009
منتشر شده در در سال 1390
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

M. Khoshkholgh - Dept. of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, P.O. Box ۱۱۴۴, Sowmehsara, Iran.
M. Pourkazemi - International Sturgeon Research Institute, P.O. Box ۴۱۶۳۵-۳۴۶۴, Rasht, Iran.
S. Nazari - Dept. of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, P.O. Box ۱۱۴۴, Sowmehsara, Iran.
L. Azizzadeh Pormehr - Dept. of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, P.O. Box ۱۱۴۴, Sowmehsara, Iran.

خلاصه مقاله:
The Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus (Borodin, ۱۸۹۷), is an economically important species, which mainly inhabits the Caspian Sea. However, little is known about its population genetic structure. In this study, variation in nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region of wild stock Persian sturgeon was determined to assess the genetic diversity among different natural populations of this species. The fish (n = ۴۶) were collected from four sites (Astara, Sefidrood, Noshahr and Bandare- Turkaman) in the south Caspian Sea. As a result ۶ haplotypes and ۴۴ variable sites were found. The average haplotype diversity (h) and nucleotide diversity (?) were ۰.۶۴۰?۰.۰۲۸ and ۰.۰۴۴۲?۰.۰۱۱, respectively. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) demonstrated that most variations occurred within samples, and the difference between the populations from Astara and Noshahr or Bandare- Turkaman was not significant (p <۰.۰۰۱). Estimates of gene flow indicated reproductive isolation between the Sefidrood River population and the other collections. The divergence might be related to geographical isolation. The results are consistent with the findings from PCR-RFLP analysis (PCR-RFLP) and suggest considerable genetic diversity of the population from Sefidrood River.   REFERENCES Ataei, M. (۲۰۰۴). Investigation of genetic variation in Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus, in Sefidrood river using PCRRFLP technique. Thesis in Master of Science. The University of Guilan, Iran, ۱۵۶ p. (In Persian). Avise J.C. (۱۹۹۴) Molecular Markers, Natural History, and Evolution. Chapman and Hall, New York, NY, ۵۱۱ p. Billington N. and Hebert D.N. (۱۹۹۱) Mitochondrial DNA diversity in fishes and its implications for introductions. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. ۴۸ (Suppllement ۱), ۸۰–۹۴.  Birstein V.J. (۱۹۹۳) Sturgeons and paddlefishes: threatened fishes in need of conservation. Conserv. 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