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Multi-Objective Optimization of Stress Concentration Factors for Fatigue Design of Internal Ring-Reinforced KT-Joints Undergoing Brace Axial Compression

عنوان مقاله: Multi-Objective Optimization of Stress Concentration Factors for Fatigue Design of Internal Ring-Reinforced KT-Joints Undergoing Brace Axial Compression
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_CEJ-10-6_003
منتشر شده در در سال 1403
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Adnan Rasul
Saravanan Karuppanan
Veeradasan Perumal
Mark Ovinis
Mohsin Iqbal

خلاصه مقاله:
Stress concentration factors are important to determine fatigue life based on the S-N curve methodology, where the lower the stress concentration factor, the higher the fatigue life. In this work, we developed internal ring-reinforced KT-joints, one of the most commonly used joints in the offshore industry, for the most practical ranges with the least stress concentration factors, followed by the formulation of a novel set of parametric equations for determining the stress concentration factors of internal ring-reinforced KT-joints. Using numerical investigation based on a finite element model and a response surface approach with ۸ parameters (λ, δ, ψ, ζ, θ, τ, γ, and β) as input and eleven outputs (SCF ۰° to SCF ۹۰° and peak SCF), the stress at ten locations around the brace was evaluated, since efficient response surface methodology has been proven to give comprehensive and accurate predictions. The KT-joint with the following parameters: λ=۰.۹۵۱۵۱۵, δ=۰.۲, ψ=۰.۸, ζ=۰.۳۱, θ=۴۵.۱۵°, τ=۰.۶۰, γ=۱۶.۲۵, and β=۰.۴۰ had the least stress concentration factor. The KT-joint with the optimized parameters was validated through finite element analysis. The resulting percentage difference was less than ۶%, indicating the applicability of the response surface methodology with high accuracy. Doi: ۱۰.۲۸۹۹۱/CEJ-۲۰۲۴-۰۱۰-۰۶-۰۳ Full Text: PDF

کلمات کلیدی:
KT-joint; Response Surface Methodology; Stress Concentration Factor; Ring-Stiffeners; Fatigue; Multi-Objective Optimization; Finite Element Analysis.

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