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(ناشر تخصصی کنفرانسهای کشور / شماره مجوز انتشارات از وزارت فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی: ۸۹۷۱)

Validation and Psychological Properties of the Persian Version of DSM ۵ Yale Food Addiction Scale ۲.۰ (PYFAS ۲.۰) in Non-clinical Population

عنوان مقاله: Validation and Psychological Properties of the Persian Version of DSM ۵ Yale Food Addiction Scale ۲.۰ (PYFAS ۲.۰) in Non-clinical Population
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_AHJK-14-3_002
منتشر شده در در سال 1401
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Mohammad Niroumand Sarvandani - Student Research Committee, School of Medicine, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Shahroud, Iran
Masoud Asadi - Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Arak University, Arak, Iran
Farideh Khosravi - Student Research Committee, School of Health, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
Ashley N. Gearhardt - Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
Mohammadsadegh Razmhosseini - Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Maryam Soleimani - Department of Psychology and Counseling, Faculty of Humanities, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Iran
Fahimeh Mohseni - Center for Health Related Social and Behavioral Sciences Research, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Shahroud, Iran
Behzad Garmabi - Study and Treatment of Circadian Rhythms Research Center, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Shahroud, Iran
Raheleh Rafaiee - Department of Neuroscience, School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
Background: The Yale Food Addiction Scale version ۲.۰ (YFAS ۲.۰) is used for the assessment of food addiction (FA). This research intended to evaluate the validity of the Persian translation of the questionnaire and to investigate the psychological properties and the association between FA and anthropometric indices.Methods: In a sample of ۴۷۳ nonclinical participants, FA, binge eating, and objectively measured anthropometric indices were assessed. Internal consistency, convergent, and validity of the PYFAS ۲.۰ were examined. Also, the factor structure (confirmatory factor analysis following the ۱۱ diagnostic indicators in addition to the significant distress) and the construct of the scale were evaluated.Findings: The frequencies of mild, moderate, and severe FA based on PYFAS ۲.۰ were ۰.۲%, ۱۰%, and ۵.۵%, respectively. The findings supported a one-factor structure. The confirmatory factor analysis revealed a good construct validity (RMSEA=۰.۰۴۳, χ۲=۷۶.۳۸, df=۴۱, χ۲ (CMIN)/df=۱.۸۶۲, GFI=۰.۹۷۵, AGFI=۰.۹۵۷, IFI=۰.۹۸۶, RFI=۰.۹۵۸, ECVI=۰.۳۱۹, TLI=۰.۹۷۸). For both the diagnostic and symptom count versions, the PYFAS ۲.۰ presented acceptable internal consistency (IC) (Kuder-Richardson ۲۰=۰.۹۹ and McDonald omega=۰.۹۱).Conclusion: The PYFAS ۲.۰ was a psychometrically sound instrument in an Iranian non-clinical population. This questionnaire can be used to study FA in Persian non-clinical populations. Future research should study the psychometric characteristics of this scale in high-risk groups.

کلمات کلیدی:
Food addiction, Binge eating, Obesity, Validation, Psychological Properties

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