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Optimizing Sustainability Strategies in the Airline Industry: A KPIDrivenApproach for Environmental Affairs

عنوان مقاله: Optimizing Sustainability Strategies in the Airline Industry: A KPIDrivenApproach for Environmental Affairs
شناسه ملی مقاله: ICOCS09_016
منتشر شده در نهمین کنفرانس بین المللی مطالعات بین رشته ای در مدیریت و مهندسی در سال 1403
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

SeyyedAbdolHojjat MoghadasNian - Tarbiat Modares University
GhazalehSadat AmirAhmady - Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Branch, Qom

خلاصه مقاله:
In an era where environmental sustainability has become apivotal concern for the airline industry, this paper delves into the strategicrole of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in enhancing sustainabilitypractices. Through a mixed-methods research approach, incorporatingsystematic literature review, comparative analysis, and case studies ofleading airlines, the study identifies and evaluates critical KPIs acrossvarious dimensions of sustainability efforts, including environmentalimpact reduction, resource management, and corporate socialresponsibility. Findings reveal that comprehensive and actionable KPIframeworks are instrumental in guiding airlines toward improvedenvironmental performance, stakeholder engagement, and regulatorycompliance. The research highlights the theoretical and practicalimplications of adopting KPI-driven sustainability strategies, offeringactionable recommendations for integrating these indicators into airlines'operational and strategic planning. Future research directions are proposed۲to explore the longitudinal impacts of KPI-driven strategies, the potentialof emerging technologies in sustainability management, and the effects ofevolving global regulatory landscapes on airline sustainability practices.This study contributes to the discourse on sustainability in the airlineindustry, providing a nuanced understanding of the operationalization andbenefits of KPI-driven approaches in achieving sustainable aviation. Itunderscores the critical importance of systematic, measurable strategies innavigating the complexities of environmental stewardship and corporateresponsibility, urging continuous innovation and collaboration towardssustainable excellence in the airline industry.

کلمات کلیدی:
Sustainability, Airlines, Key Performance Indicators, EnvironmentalManagement, Corporate Responsibility.

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