The Effect of Visual and Content Characteristics of Online Advertising Banners on User Behavior

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 مرداد 1403


Purpose: This article is designed to provide visual solutions to increase the efficiency of online advertising banners, by examining the relationship between visual factors and user attraction through clicking on ads.Method: From the point of view of the application goal and from the point of view of the research method, the current research method is a survey-analytical description, the current state of Internet advertising banners and providing appropriate visual solutions using previous sources and available data have been investigated.Findings: The research findings showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between visual factors and targeted clicks, and a good design strengthens the message and attracts attention, and this attention will increase the click rate.Conclusion:The results of the findings showed that motion and CTA key, two important factors in internet advertising, have a direct and meaningful relationship with the user's behavior and his interest in clicking, as well as the element of color, on the relationship between the audience and persuasion to click and redirect to the page. Landing has a moderating effect.


Setareh Tanhaee

Masters of Visual Communication, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran

Hamed Bidi

PhD in art research, Lecturer at University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran