Experiences of Multiple Sclerosis Patients about Leisure Time Activities

Publish Year: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 مرداد 1403


Introduction: motor, cognitive perceptual and psychosocial abilities and can influence most performanceareas. Occupational therapy sees leisure time and related activities among the most importantparts of human life. This qualitative research was performed to describe the attitudes andexperiences of people with MS in Ahvaz, Iran about leisure time activities.Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive neurological disease that affects sensoryMethod: from members of MS Association of Khuzestan province and occupational and physiotherapyclinics in Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences (۲۰۱۱). Data saturation wasachieved with ۱۱ interviews. The study involved secondary analysis of in-depth transcribedsemi-structured interview data, using Colaizzi's method.This descriptive phenomenological study used purposeful sampling to select subjectsResults: (themes) emerged from the analysis of the subthemes in one main domain of attitude andexperience of people with MS about leisure time activities. The participants categorized theeffects of leisure on human performance into ۲ subthemes (physical and mental performance)resulting in one theme (importance and aim of leisure). Besides, based on their ways of passingleisure time (individual style and group style) ۳ subthemes and thus one theme (style ofspending leisure) were extracted. In addition, ۳ subthemes were mentioned for barriers(individual, social, and environmental barriers) that resulted in "leisure obstacles" as a theme.Finally, ۲ subthemes were suggested for improving leisure time (personal and social role toleisure improvement) that demonstrated a theme (leisure suggestions).Nine preliminary structural elements (subthemes) and ۴ essential structural elementsConclusion: physical and mental performance limitations in people with MS. Experiences of participants inthis study expressed the importance of leisure from different aspects. Moreover, although thesepeople spend their leisure time in individual or group activities, they face several obstaclesincluding personal, social, and environmental barriers. In order to improve the quality of leisurefor MS patients, more attention needs to be paid to the role of the individual as well as thecommunity.The findings showed that leisure activities are also affected as a result of various