Investigating The Discovery Of Knowledge AndAnalyzing Its Effect In The Internet Of Things

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 15 مرداد 1403


The Internet of Things is a system of objects connected to the Internet that enables thecollection and transmission of data through a wireless network without human intervention,and the purpose of this technology is to increase labour efficiency and save costs. The Internetof Things is changing industries from agriculture, healthcare to manufacturing and any otherindustry. The Internet of Things will dramatically change our lives in the near future andmake many impossible things possible. The huge volume of data generated or captured by IoTdevices contains valuable and usable information. With the help of IOT, many impossiblethings become possible. IOT devices generate big data with useful, valuable and highlyaccurate data. It is difficult to extract the required information or data from the large data setdiscovered by any device. Data analysis techniques and methods are used for this purpose.Data mining plays an important role in building an intelligent system and providingappropriate services. It is necessary to extract data and knowledge from related things. Forthis purpose, various data mining techniques are used. Various algorithms such asclassification, clustering, etc. help in data mining. This article shows different data analysistechniques, problems and data mining with IOT. A set of methods that can be applied to largeand complex databases in order to discover hidden and interesting patterns hidden among thedata is called data mining. Data mining methods are almost always computationallyexpensive. The interdisciplinary science of data mining is about the tools, methodologies andtheories that are used to reveal the patterns in the data and is considered a fundamental step inthe direction of discovering knowledge.


Mohsen Tarighi

Assistant Professor of Amir Kabir University of Technology, Garmsar branch

Ardeshir Abbasi Vafaie

Senior student of computer architecture, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Garmsar branch

Hamid Bazzar

Master of Computer Engineering - Computer Systems Architecture, Amir Kabir University of Technology