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Pentacam® Corneal Tomography for Screening of Refractive Surgery Candidates: A Review of the Literature, Part I

عنوان مقاله: Pentacam® Corneal Tomography for Screening of Refractive Surgery Candidates: A Review of the Literature, Part I
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_MEOP-8-3_009
منتشر شده در در سال 1398
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Mahsaw N. Motlagh
Majid Moshirfar
Michael S. Murri
David F. Skanchy
Hamed Momeni-Moghaddam
Yasmyne C. Ronquillo
Phillip C. Hoopes

خلاصه مقاله:
Abstract Corneal tomography and Scheimpflug imaging are frequently used to analyze the corneal surface, especially in the field of cataract and refractive surgery. The Pentacam system is one of the most commonly used commercially available systems for this purpose. Through a rotating Scheimpflug camera, the system is capable of creating a three-dimensional map of the cornea. These advances in tomography have simultaneously enhanced the ability of clinicians to screen surgical candidates and detect subtle corneal changes in diseases such as keratoconus. However, there remains a need to enhance diagnosis in order to recognize mild and early forms of corneal ectasia. As iatrogenic ectasia and keratoconus are dreaded complications of refractive surgery, it is imperative to screen patients appropriately prior to surgery. The Pentacam is one of many systems utilized in the screening process, but the literature has not identified specific protocol nor parameters that are capable of carrying out this process appropriately. Post-operative keratoconus continues to occur despite the advances in technology seen in corneal imaging. Therefore, clear indices for screening are required in order to diagnose early forms of keratoconus and other corneal diseases that may exclude the seemingly asymptomatic patient from undergoing refractive surgery. This article aims to summarize the indices available on the Pentacam system and to identify the most accurate parameters for screening of the refractive surgery candidate.

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