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Cultural Heritage as a Basic Factor for Social Regulation

عنوان مقاله: Cultural Heritage as a Basic Factor for Social Regulation
شناسه ملی مقاله: IRANWORLD03_009
منتشر شده در سومین همایش مجازی بین‌المللی تحولات جدید ایران و جهان در سال 1391
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Evgeni Sachev - Associate Professor of Museology, Ministry of Culture, Bulgaria
Plamena Popova - Manager of the Bulgarian Office, Turcu & Turcu Law Firm, Sofia, Bulgarian Office

خلاصه مقاله:
In the paper shall be discussed and argued the ways for socialization of cultural heritage and its influence as a factor for social development in the societies. On the first place, the notion ofsocialization is discussed in different paradigms. Further, in the paper shall be explained the ways ofsocialization of cultural artifacts and cultural heritage. The stages of socialization of cultural heritageshall be analyzed in details. Two basic stages of the socialization, namely the social adaptation andsocial interiorization will be on the focus. The connection between social norms and the individuals with regard to the socialization ofcultural heritage shall be analyzed. In the process of socialization through cultural values individualmade active use of the social norms and accepted practice in social experience, transforming it into itsown domain. The obstacles and differences in the processes of socialization of cultural heritage inconnection to the applicable social norms shall be discussed. In the paper shall be argued the positionof the importance of cultural heritage for the processes of outline of the current cultural identities and thus the necessity of active social participation in the cultural heritage socialization. The paper shall also discuss the role of the social norms and regulations in the processes of socialization of culturalheritage. The paper proposes eventual new international union/organization/ of the most ancient states , among which may be considered to be Iran and Bulgaria. This proposal is based on the conclusions of the importance of socialization of cultural heritage as a factor for social regulation

کلمات کلیدی:
Culture, Cultural heritage, Socialization, Development

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