Study on differentiation of pathogen-non pathogen Mycobacterial infections using ESAT۶-CFP۱۰ in ELISA system

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 مرداد 1403


Pathogenic mycobacteria, including the causative agents of tuberculosis, are responsible for considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide. The availability of a laboratory method that can distinguish between two groups of pathogens; Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC or MTBC), nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) and those who have only had a history of dealing with non- pathogenic or recently vaccinated individuals is of great importance. In this regard, different strains of mycobacteria were cultured in the Dorset-Henley liquid medium and the inactivation of the cultures is carried out by the heat. The bacteria were separated from the liquid medium containing secreted proteins with EKS filters. Low molecular weight proteins in Mycobacterium tuberculosis precipitated with ammonium sulfate were purified by Sephadex-G۵۰ gel chromatography and crude antigens in other mycobacteria precipitated with TCA. Protein concentrations determined with lowry protein assay, antigens coated on the ELISA plate and the results were analyzed with SPSS software and investigated. In this study, all antigens had more than ۹۲% detection ability in healthy livestock in the ELISA method. The highest specificity was related to ESAT-۶/CFP۱۰ and M. avium subsp. Para tuberculosis antigens were ۸۳.۶۶% and ۹۵.۸۳% respectively and the highest efficiency of diagnostic tests were over ۸۳% concerning these two antigens. It concluded that the two antigens ESAT-۶/CFP۱۰ and M. avium subsp. Para tuberculosis are suitable candidates for the design of the diagnostic ELISA system due to their sensitivity, specificity and efficiency and also reliable detection of healthy livestock from sensitized livestock.


Anahita Bahmanjeh

Department of Virology Vaccines, Production and Research Unit, Pasteur Institute of Iran, Karaj, Iran

Samira Zarei

Assistant Professor, Microbiology Department, Kherad Higher Education Institute, Bushehr, Iran

Ghazaleh Fotouhi

Department of Microbiology Sciences, Islamic Azad International University, Kish,Iran

Behdokht Jamali

Department of Microbiology and Genetics, Kherad Institute of Higher Education, Bushehr, Iran

Farzaneh Malekpour

Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord, Iran

Seyyed Danial Mirmiran

State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Huazhong Agricultural University Wuhan, China