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Relationship between COVID-۱۹ Anxiety and Hypochondriasis in Retirees Aged ۶۰ to ۷۰ Years in Shiraz Service Unavailable

عنوان مقاله: Relationship between COVID-۱۹ Anxiety and Hypochondriasis in Retirees Aged ۶۰ to ۷۰ Years in Shiraz Service Unavailable
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_JETT-9-4_004
منتشر شده در در سال 1400
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Ali Keshtkar - Bachelor of Psychology, Deportment of Psychology, Apadana Institute of Higher Education, Shiraz, Iran
Bahram Bahrami - Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Apadana Institute of Higher Education, Shiraz, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
With the outbreak of Covid ۱۹ and a worldwide epidemic, countless new challenges have arisen within various facets of human life including, lifestyle, health, and social behavior. One of these new challenges belongs to the dimension of psychological health and it is that of anxiety. Different individuals experience different types of mental reactions to anxiety which could manifest itself in the form of worrying in regards to one's health and sometimes in the form of hypochondriasis. The goal of the present study is to investigate the relation between Corona virus-induced anxiety and hypochondriasis. The current study was conducted on a population of ۱۲۵ among the retired aged ۶۰ to ۷۰ of the department of education workforce in the city of Shiraz, Iran, which were picked using the cluster random method. The study group answered the demographic questions in addition to the Covid anxiety questionnaire ۱۸ and the hypochondriasis questionnaire ۳۶ of Evans. The gathered data were then analyzed using the SPSS ۲۶ software. A total of ۶۶.۴% of the study group experienced average levels of anxiety while ۳۲% experienced a mild case of hypochondriasis. A significant relation was discovered between hypochondriasis, Corona-induced anxiety, marital status, and sex but no significant relation was discovered between hypochondriasis, sex, and marital status. The role of anxiety on the individuals diminishing social and personal capacities are well known and the outbreak of Covid-۱۹ has so far exacerbated the problem. In regards to the relationships discovered in this study between anxiety disorder and hypochondriasis, we recommend that the mental health services in the society expand to cover a larger portion of the demographic, at least for the duration of the outbreak.With the outbreak of Covid ۱۹ and a worldwide epidemic, countless new challenges have arisen within various facets of human life including, lifestyle, health, and social behavior. One of these new challenges belongs to the dimension of psychological health and it is that of anxiety. Different individuals experience different types of mental reactions to anxiety which could manifest itself in the form of worrying in regards to one's health and sometimes in the form of hypochondriasis. The goal of the present study is to investigate the relation between Corona virus-induced anxiety and hypochondriasis. The current study was conducted on a population of ۱۲۵ among the retired aged ۶۰ to ۷۰ of the department of education workforce in the city of Shiraz, Iran, which were picked using the cluster random method. The study group answered the demographic questions in addition to the Covid anxiety questionnaire ۱۸ and the hypochondriasis questionnaire ۳۶ of Evans. The gathered data were then analyzed using the SPSS ۲۶ software. A total of ۶۶.۴% of the study group experienced average levels of anxiety while ۳۲% experienced a mild case of hypochondriasis. A significant relation was discovered between hypochondriasis, Corona-induced anxiety, marital status, and sex but no significant relation was discovered between hypochondriasis, sex, and marital status. The role of anxiety on the individuals diminishing social and personal capacities are well known and the outbreak of Covid-۱۹ has so far exacerbated the problem. In regards to the relationships discovered in this study between anxiety disorder and hypochondriasis, we recommend that the mental health services in the society expand to cover a larger portion of the demographic, at least for the duration of the outbreak.

کلمات کلیدی:
Covid-۱۹ anxiety, Hypochondriasis, Retired

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