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Gridlock gloom: A geographical analysis of commuters' perceptions on traffic congestion

عنوان مقاله: Gridlock gloom: A geographical analysis of commuters' perceptions on traffic congestion
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_IJHCUM-9-4_005
منتشر شده در در سال 1403
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

A. Mukherjee - Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata, India
A. Anwaruzzaman - Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata, India

خلاصه مقاله:
KGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: One of the most challenging aspects of city living is traffic congestion. The multitude of vehicular modes and their sheer volume coupled with inadequate road infrastructure unable to keep up with the escalated travel demand of Kolkata is a major cause of concern. Recognizing the significant toll on commuters' time and health, the research aims to identify the root causes of congestion across fifteen selected Traffic Intersection Points, explore its multifaceted impacts on the environment, economy, and society, and propose solutions to alleviate this pressing issue effectively.METHODS: This study employed a mixed-method approach. An on-site survey with ۳۷۵ regular commuters in Kolkata was conducted, utilizing questionnaires and focus group discussions. The survey gathered data on travel patterns, socio-demographic information, and perceptions of traffic congestion. The Garrett Ranking method and Relative Importance Index (RII) were employed to evaluate the significance of various contributing factors, their impact on commuters, and potential solutions. Statistical analysis using Microsoft Excel and SPSS ۲۶ complemented the data analysis, with cartographic visualizations providing spatial insights. Additionally, the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test validated the differences in travel times during congested and free-flowing traffic conditions.FINDINGS: The results revealed that the commuters’ average daily travel delay owing to congestion is approximately ۱۷ minutes. Utilizing Garrett score ratings, the most significant obstacles to smooth traffic flow were identified as intersectional conflicts (۶۶.۱۹) and curbside parking (۶۴.۷۵).Following the same methodology, increased reliance on personalized vehicles (۶۹.۸۷) and encroached road space (۶۴.۳) were attributed to rush hour saturation, whereas political rallies (۷۱.۳۶) and demonstrations (۵۹.۷۴) contributed to unprecedented incidents. Work schedule disruptions and hearing anomalies were the most common offshoots of this hazard. Relative Importance Index (RII) scores highlighted the consensus among commuters emphasizing the economic, environmental, and social impact of congestion, with particular emphasis on enhanced fuel consumption (RII=۱), decreased economic opportunities (RII=۰.۹۶), worsened pollution levels (RII=۰.۹۱), and reduced family time (RII=۰.۹۳). Congestion pricing (RII=۰.۸۸) and ride-sharing (RII=۰.۸۷) emerged as themost viable strategies to mitigate congestion. Furthermore, Garrett ratings indicated training of drivers (۶۳.۷۴) and road users (۶۱.۰۳) along with parking management (۶۳.۵۱) to be the most desired areas of improvisation suggested.CONCLUSION: Implementing the ‘Avoid, Shift, Improve’ framework in conjunction with a 'people-first' mentality would encourage sustainable urban living by placing a premium on public transport, land use planning, and technological improvements to reduce traffic congestion and enhance commuter well-being in Kolkata.

کلمات کلیدی:
Commuters, Kolkata Municipal Corporation, Garrett score, Relative Importance index, Traffic Congestion, Travel time

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