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Geochemical Investigation of Trace Elements in Crude Oil and Core Well Rocks of the Southern East in Iraq

عنوان مقاله: Geochemical Investigation of Trace Elements in Crude Oil and Core Well Rocks of the Southern East in Iraq
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_AJCS-8-3_015
منتشر شده در در سال 1404
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Safaa Sabri Najim - Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Misan, Maysan, Iraq

خلاصه مقاله:
The concentrations of trace metals in crude oil samples and core well rocks obtained from five oil fields: Halfaya, Noor, Amara, north, and south Buzurgan, were analyzed using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results showed the ranges of the trace transition elements are in core well rocks in the order Ni (۴.۲۹۲-۷.۱۱۳ ppm), Fe (۲.۵۴۱-۴.۲۵۶ ppm), Zn (۰.۹۵۳- ۲.۰۵۶ ppm), Co (۱.۲۶۲-۱.۳۸ ppm), Cu (۰.۱۸۱-۱.۳۱ ppm), Cd (۰.۴۱۹-۰.۷۱ ppm), Mn (۰.۲۷۸- ۰.۳۸۷ ppm), Cr (۰.۲۱۷- ۰.۳۴۳ ppm), Pb (۲.۵۰۸- ۳۱.۳۳۳ ppm), Sn (۰.۱۴۹-۰.۵۳۷ ppm), the metalloid (۰.۱۰۵-۰.۲۱۲ ppm), the alkaline metals Ca (۱۴.۱۹- ۱۹.۳۱ ppm), Mg (۹.۲۰۵- ۱۰.۵۵ ppm), Ba (۳.۹۸۹-۶.۹۲۸ ppm), the alkali metals K (۷.۳۹۵-۱۳.۵۲ ppm), and Li (۰.۸۴۲- ۱.۱۳۴ ppm). While in crude oil , the order V was in the range (۲.۵۲۳- ۱۰۲.۷۴۱ ppm), Ni in the range (۲۰.۱۴۳-۲۸.۱۰۳ppm), Zn (۵.۱۴۲- ۸.۷۲۳ ppm), Fe (۲.۰۱۶- ۵.۸۷۲ ppm), Mn (۰.۷۵۶- ۱.۰۴۲ ppm), Co (۰.۴۸۳-۰.۹۲۴ ppm), Cu (۰.۲۸۳۰- ۰.۸۷۱ ppm), Cr (۰.۲۸۳- ۰.۷۳۱ ppm), Cd (۰.۱۸۷۰- ۰.۶۳۱ ppm), alkaline metals Ca (۴.۴۴۱- ۹.۴۲۴ ppm), Mg (۳.۸۶۹-۹.۷۲۴ ppm), Ba (۲.۲۱۱- ۳.۷۹۲ ppm), alkali metals K (۴.۱۲۲- ۶.۶۳۱ ppm), and Li (۲.۱۷۵-۴.۸۹۷ ppm). The post-transition metals Pb was in the range of (۳.۶۳۱-۹.۸۹۲ ppm), Sn (۰.۱۸۹-۰.۳۱۲ ppm), and metalloid in the range of (۰.۱۰۶-۰.۲۵۲ ppm). Trace element ratios Ca/Mg, Mg/Ca, Mn/Ca, and Cr/Ni, were used to unravel the genetic correlation among the core well rocks and V/Ni, V/(V +Ni) ratios showed marine origin and oxic conditions of the crude oil.

کلمات کلیدی:
Trace metals, Crude Oil, migration, fingerprint, Dolomitization, Core well rocks, Pearson Correlation

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