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Conceptual synthetic modeling of Iran’s ICZM project

عنوان مقاله: Conceptual synthetic modeling of Iran’s ICZM project
شناسه ملی مقاله: ICOPMAS09_165
منتشر شده در نهمین همایش بین المللی مهندسی سواحل، بنادر و سازه های دریایی در سال 1391
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Reza ahmadiyan - Prof.Assistant , azad university
a rezazadeh - Head of coastal supervisory dept. , Ports and Marine Organization
Mehdi. Porpeykari - Ms. maab. Consu

خلاصه مقاله:
Studies of ICZM in performed process are made up of 3 steps: Step one: performing studies in basics and data of main base Step two: segregation of studies in to partial fields and explanation of them in result-orientedformat Step three: deduction of studies for providing the synthetic document of Iran’s ICZM projectThe following article is encompassing the methodology of third step (synthesizing) in which the results of thematic studies are represented due to synthesizing and spatial objectives and guidelines of integrated management in a multistep model. [1]In above methodology, at first we have an overview on related global experiments [2], thencommon issues that were studied due to their manner of zoning or style of spatial regulationsapplication are modified and surveyed in a triple approach of conservative (which emphasizes on retaining the natural and environmental values), development oriented (with focus on sustainableuse of resources), and problem oriented (with the idea of removing the existing problems andoppositions) as a result. [3] During the above studies, zoning were elected as a substantial tool for pursuing the objectives,spatial guidelines and policies, and therefore makes possibilities for planners to apply the considered regulations. The ability to make spatial objectives and guidelines of development andconservation is another premium of zoning. As zoning represents a flexible structure to planners, they can precise their policies in a spatial format and limit or intensify the developments in some cases. [4]

کلمات کلیدی:
synthesizing of studies, methodology, spatial zoning, conceptual model

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