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Pretreated Landfill Gas Conversion to Combined Fuel Cell-Power For Renewable Energy

عنوان مقاله: Pretreated Landfill Gas Conversion to Combined Fuel Cell-Power For Renewable Energy
شناسه ملی مقاله: ETEC03_466
منتشر شده در سومین کنفرانس بین­ المللی رویکردهای نوین در نگهداشت انرژی در سال 1392
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Mahin Esmaeil Zaei
IIT Delhi - K.S.Rao,IITDelhi,Prof
Ph.D scholar

خلاصه مقاله:
A new landfill gas-based reforming catalytic processing system for the conversion of gaseous hydrocarbons, such as incoming methane to hydrogen and carbon oxide mixtures, is described and analyzed. The exit synthesis gas (syn-gas) is fed to power effectively hightemperature fuel cells such as SOFC types for combined efficient electricity generation. The current research work is also referred on the description and design aspects of permreactors (permeable reformers) carrying the same type of landfill gas-reforming reactions. Membrane reactors is a new technology that can be applied efficiently in such systems. Membrane reactors seem to perform better than the nonmembrane traditional reactors. The aim of this research includes turnkey system and process development for the landfill-based power generation and fuel cell industries. Also, a discussion of the efficient utilization of landfill and waste type resources for combined green-type/renewable power generation with increased processing capacity and efficiency via fuel cell systems is taking place. Moreover, pollution reduction is an additional design consideration in the current catalytic processors fuel cell cycles.

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