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Road accidents disaster manegment insnowy and rainy days Case study:Two‐lane Roads in Hamedan Province

عنوان مقاله: Road accidents disaster manegment insnowy and rainy days Case study:Two‐lane Roads in Hamedan Province
شناسه ملی مقاله: INDM06_226
منتشر شده در ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت جامع بحران در سال 1393
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

MahmoodReza Keymanesh - Faculty member of the Board of Transportation, PNU,Tehran,Iran
Ali Nasrolahtabar - Phd student of Transportation, University of PNU,Tehran,Iran
Majid Abolfathi - MSc student of Transportation, University of PNU,Tehran,Iran,
Nargess Radmanesh - MScstudent of Statistics, University of ShahidBeheshti,Tehran,Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
Word Hygiene Organization(WHO)expressed driving accidents as the most important cause of hasty death in prosper countries,such that Iran slice in accidents is twenty times more than industrialcountries that made accidents road one public phenomenon;so there is a need to recognizeinfrastructuredimentions as cultural, psychic, social, medicine , roadssafety,accidents reason, etc. Trafficsafety is one transport underlying tenet and nowadays along developmenttransport items,roadssafety issuehas been lionized and endeavor to reduceaccidents and theiroutcomesby studying and using tactic. Also the roads management and control, thus reducingroad accidents, are such basic suburbanroad safety issues. Three factors including vehicle, road and climatic conditions,cause accidents. Through import effect of climate conditions in accidents and sosnow and rain downfall effectsin accidentscreation as one important and specific condition in orestes two-lane roads, this research focuses on studying impact of snow and rain downfall in pathwayaccidents,whichthe statistic population aretwo-lane roads inHamedan province. The component typehas been studied is analytic-descriptiveand the study was performed on the number of accidents occurredduring the years 1388 to 1392 and the related amount of snow and rain downfall of precipitation. The ultimate goal of this study was to assess the impact of snow and rain on accidentscreation, helps to better understand the extent of increase in the number of accidents, the accidents types, the number of wounded or injured, sex, age, type of vehicle and other informations from a traffic cop, the hospitals, rescue and emergency vehicles to control, manage and reduce accidents in this type of weather, which is a crisis in the country.

کلمات کلیدی:
Accidents,Disaster manegment,Climate condition,Snow and Rain,Two-lane roads

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