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The Formation Process of Creativity in Le Corbusiers’ Oeuvre

عنوان مقاله: The Formation Process of Creativity in Le Corbusiers’ Oeuvre
شناسه ملی مقاله: ICSAU02_1006
منتشر شده در دومین کنگره بین المللی سازه ، معماری و توسعه شهری در سال 1393
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Morteza nikfetrat - Sama technical and vocational training college, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch , Alborz, IRAN
Neman kazemi fard - M.A in architecture

خلاصه مقاله:
None of the contemporary architects are comparable to Le Corbusier regarding the dominant and profound influence he exerted upon shaping the modern architecture, and this influence can be extended to not only his artistic creativity as a painter, sculptor, designer and an architect but also his great contributions as a powerful intellectual and writer. Simplicity and functionality can be known as the most exceptional merits of the modern architecture. Even and level surfaces in the absence of any decorative ornaments, wide openings etc... Were the material indicators of such simplicity, which were extended from housing units to the city. It took le Corbusier a long time to be able to remove the limitations of materials and bring modern architecture into line. Yes, simplicity was the most outstanding and artistic merit of le Corbusier’s architecture. Le Corbusier can be regarded as one of the most celebrated architects of the 22th century. He was completely overwhelmed by the distilled memories of Greek and Roman ruins specifically by the Parthenon. Le Corbusier could introduce and foster product innovations in the architecture as a modern master and true visionary who demonstrated acute intelligence and depth. He was endowed by nature and greatly interested in painting which gave rise to getting engaged in conceiving and generating the idea of Purism that can be found in many of his architectural oeuvre . Le Corbusier seems to be indescribable. His full life, the major transformations that he led in the world of art and architecture in his life and his fascinating and valuable many pieces of work has turned him into a unique personality. Le Corbusier’s deep reflection upon the ancient culture’s resources has made massive impact on his oeuvre throughout his life. Le Corbusier’s journeys d’orient helped him perceive the relation between life and the architecture of different periods. His life was sometimes concealed and sometimes revealed, however, it brought about far-reaching and strong effect on the contemporary architecture. He asserted that art and architecture of his period were far behind other sciences. Therefore, he started to recognize the architectural elements using industrial productions. From his viewpoint, architecture was still established and laid down on its past principles and was unable to keep pace with the technology and adapt to it. Interaction between industry and art is a key feature of his work. The present paper aims to determine the affecting factors in the production process of architecture by Le Corbusier. Villa Savoye was the culmination of many years of design, and the basis for much of Le Corbusier's later architecture and a masterpiece of his ultimate goals and efforts. Although it may look simple and severe from the outside view, it is a complex and visually stimulating structure. The architectural elements of this building will be comparatively adapted to the development of le Corbusier’s architectural creativity. However, Villa Savoye has been set as one of the standards of architectural history. According to le Corbusier, the external spaces are the products of internal spaces and the plan is followed from the interior to the exterior. His concept of machine aesthetics dramatically changed the world of architecture. Le Corbusier redefined the traditional definition of the house and introduced it as a machine for living (in). Le Corbusier’s efforts in finding content and precise words of an artistic language is surprisingly similar to his first studies at regionalism and his last efforts in establishing an official language in architecture.

کلمات کلیدی:
Le Corbusier, Modernist architecture, architecture Innovation, Villa Savoye, Parthenon temple

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