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Seroepidemiology of the Helicobacter pylori infection among people of Pishva city of Varamin

عنوان مقاله: Seroepidemiology of the Helicobacter pylori infection among people of Pishva city of Varamin
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_IJMM-8-4_003
منتشر شده در شماره 4 دوره 8 فصل زمستان در سال 1393
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Maryam Abdi - Biology Departemt, Pharmaceutical sciences branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Mojdeh Hakemi-Vala - Department of Microbiology, Medical School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Tahereh Naji - Pharmaceutical Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad university Tehran, Iran.
Amir Hoshang Nejadeh - Dr.Nejadeh Laboratory Varamin, Iran.

خلاصه مقاله:
Background and Aim: The epidemiologic pattern of Helicobacter pylori infection is differed between developed countries and developing countries, and also it is depend on the total standard of living in each region. At the present study, the seroprevalence of H.pylori infection and effectiveness of underlying factors in prevalence of this infection among residents of Pishva city of Varamin was evaluated. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was conducted after completion the questionnaire. The peripheral blood of 314 people without any confirmed gastric problem were collected. Then, the titer of total IgG and IgG anti CagA of H. pylori was evaluated by ELISA method. Consequently, the correlation between serologic data and different factors were analyzed by SPSS statistical software.Results: The existence of total IgG was detected in 164 (55.2%) of 314 patients and was negative in 130 people (41.4%).Also, the IgG anti CagA were positive in 46 (29.1%), it was negative in 105 people (66.5%) and the rested were in borderline. There was statistical meaningful correlation between positive result of serology test of IgG anti CagA to some risk factors such as age, the number of the member of family, the educational status and occupation, the consumption of can, heart diseases, the rate of cholesterol, the history of gastrointestinal symptoms, heartburn and reflux (P <0.05) . Conclusions: With regard to high prevalence of H. pylori in this area (55.2%) and its presumptive effect in infected people, the necessary of hygiene education and precise control of infection is suggested.

کلمات کلیدی:
Helicobacter pylori, ELISA, Serology, CagA

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