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Effect of N and P bio fertilizers on yield components of barley

عنوان مقاله: Effect of N and P bio fertilizers on yield components of barley
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_IJABBR-2-2_016
منتشر شده در شماره 2 دوره 2 فصل February در سال 1393
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Seyed Mostafa Azimi - Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Islamic Azad University, Boroujerd Branch,Boroujerd, Iran
Ezatollah Nabati - Lorestan natural resources and agriculture reaserch center, Boroujerd agricultural reaserch station, Boroujerd, Iran
Mohsen Lak - Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Islamic Azad University, Boroujerd Branch,Boroujerd, Iran
Morad Shaban - Young researchers club, Boroujed branch, Islamic Azad University, Boroujerd, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
This experiment was laid out in order to evaluate the effects of different biofertilizers on yield components of barley. The experiment was a factorial design with three replications. Treatments were three nitrogen biofrtilizers (Nitroksin, Nitrokara and Supernitroplass) and three phosphate biofrtilizers (Phosphate barvar2, Biozarr and Superplass) with control for them and yield components were determined as standard. Results showed that, effect of Nitrogen bio fertilizer on number of grain per spike, 1000 grain weight, grain yield and biomass was significant. The effect of Phosphate biofertilizer on grain yield and biomass was significant and the interaction between them on number of grain per spike, 1000 grain weight, grain yield and biomass was significant. Among the nitrogen biofertilizers, Nitroksin treatment has the highest grain yield and biomass and control treatment has the lowest of them. However, barley yield and it components was significantly higher in application of biofertilizers treatments. In finalresults of this study reviled that application nitrogen and phosphate biofertilizers increased yield and yield components of barley under Boroujerd environmental condition.

کلمات کلیدی:
Barley, bio fertilizer and yield components

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